Wednesday, April 29, 2009


English (or Shakespearean) sonnets are lyric poems
that are 14 lines long falling into
three coordinate quatrains and a concluding couplet.
Englais channeling often been forboating forbidden swimming
and foreboding even for women.
So many suffer in the water they stopped them from attempting it.
So many dehydrated they were pulled before they made it out.
Do not swim after dark in Chinatown.
Tenterhooking near the City or a Body is forbidden and forcamping
near a Body or a City is forbidden.
Tentering near the City there is no parking or tentering allow it not.
Poling is okay but not tent poling for tent poling one must pay it out.
Do not tent after dark in Chinatown.
Forhiking is allowable only near the Englais Channel
but forwalking is forbidden near the Body of the watering.
Stay on the hidden trails and be happy they are marking them out.
Walk on the trails in sighting them near the City or be refined.
Do no walking after dark in Chinatown.
Drinking near Channeling while swimming is forbidden near the City Chinatown.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Your poem. Your poetry as a howle group. You seem to suffer a broad back lack of education. The predicates fight with the adjectives and the misspellings they are atrocious. If this is done on purpose why you are just an idiot becoming moronic. How ironic. Instead of coming off cute you stink. Like the deep dark well I suppose it could be fixed we can edit out the nose. Rethink the prose. Educate the author if there was time and money enought. Better yet suggest a rewrite of it all. Send in the ghost writer to fix your poems make them over wrote in English language I suppose to propose using proper nouns and further mores. Stop the mistakes by plugging holes in dikes with fakes. You seem to have the proverbial hard on for society. Or minimal brain damages. They probably assuredly find you in print and line the bird cages with your minty offerings. Perhaps your picture on the dart bored in the offices. They hold up the magazines with links and pictures and they blow both nostrils as they pinch the corner with the thumb and forefinger holding it at bay and then they drop it gently in the trash. A poet did not know it they were graphic in guffawing gnawing gnashing with the ideas that they have forming what to do what to say what to act out in the fantasy when they finally get control of all your words. Password protect all your edits. Making up rhyme is fine but the making of a poem is still the poets business. But in your case its only ulcerous.

Thursday, April 23, 2009




feet sliding step after step as if lame but only tired of walking too
far to find the doorway needed to make the sleeper feel securer in a
world of we the people pulling blanket from the bag then laying down
then one more blanket from the bag how many blankets does it have.
LeMorde not ever sleeping more than just a few minutes of its time at
once a light sleeper must be ready to bound out at once or just to
run. The head in pain the wine bottle lays half empty or half full
the bugs crawl into the neck and start to fill the area to drink the
wine is ruined now. If the homeless was a person with a family they
are now there still alive in memory his heart has suffered death if
they have died. LeMorde his lips curl unexpectedly they drool his
eyes all white he smiles. The gloves have holes the moths have dined
the holes not reaching other holes in time the gloves remaining
gloves but only for a time. His shirt looks fine from a distance but
the salt mingles with the colors of his vested interest and that
aweful smell. The cramp comes to the muscles in his foot then up past
ankle to the half way up the calf the thigh twitching like a horse
that’s racing then it stops stops all at once. His pants are
always too short. The waist is cut to fit a belly overflow the belt
long gone. They reek they shout at people out loud just get away from
me that aweful smell. LeMorde weeps his tears making a stain where
his pillow should have been falling on the cardboard needing to be
changed but lazy is the man with drink just nasty now the roach has
gotten stuck and died in the bottle just inside the lip the wine is
lost. LeMorde gets up to go and try to get another one he begs to
fill his pocket up he needs another 50 cents to buy some mighty fine
wine just brother can you spare that dime. Inside he cries. LeMorde
LesMisearble in time.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Three Un Earthly definitions. A Foo is usually cooked sideways on a griddle or a grill no it won’t work on a grill it will just slide in the cracks and go to blazes. Agg foo young is just a chick a dee is just a letter of the Foo. The Foo bar itself is usually stocked with lots of different items some cabbage some lettuce some stock. A foobar is usually but not always bright blue in color but this is usably a variable of green to blue and back again to blue. Eye cannot do the ARMY definition as there are children reading this. Call it flattened to oblivion and let it go. A real Foo bar lets people have all they want or add from Column B or the side bar. Some of the better bars serve peppers for no extra sauce. Once ewe have eaten foo you will never want meat again a real foo is better protein. Eye like to recline a foo in hand on futon. Do not bite the foo until ewe see the white. The yellow should be hidden inside. A fried foo is flat. The yellow runny or harder than ewe can chew there is no one that can make it perfect ewe. Boiled foo is for everyday not just for Easter. Some are pickled. Foo that is pickled is also hot peppered but never flavored although eye have seen some home pickling users make cinnamon foo and even liquorices foo too. Rice must be fluffy drained not hot let it cool eye like sugar in mine but better add butter or Lyme. 6 Foo half a dozen raw like an oyster stirred into the rice then salt and pepper added twice folded over the grill. No you did not pay attention have you learned nothing weed hopper the foo went to blazes again.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Only 2 things are forever the whole universe and eye but eye am not sure about the universe while only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former. There is seven herbs and or spices on your finger licking recipe but you are not a full bird colonel. Closer to a Buck Private chicken eater with a goatee and white hair and civilian glasses. The missing link of humanity. A real Kentucky fried chicken eater would not lose his keys in the yard or climb into the window of Heaven looking for a bed in Sandersville Wyoming in a chicken Blizzard blowing snow upend his nose with a KFC straw better suited to a vested interest. $2 Millions is a good price for a lifetime promotion excluding the Canadian bacon bits you bogus added to them chicken lipps to make them legs puff up. The wings of a real bird do not have ANY meat on them at all they just tar and feather in the air. Waves of grain production halted in the pillages of Canada reflecting trends and motor car new freeway franchises. Gravy is always slung as hash the meat on a potatoe has eyes. They still talk about Harlan in the Highlands down at Harlem they just laugh cause all the Brothers own the franchises. Eye would still buy some Kentucky Fried Chicken if you sold them little green jalapeƱo pop eyed chicken peppers with added breaded flavors of that secret seven society of leaven.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This is the first in the serious drama of life on Mars written and directed by CharlaXBradbury. There is a dome near the city it is the hydroponic gardens all the children not allowed to touch the Farkleberry Bushes they aer not growing but just hanging in the mist the roots are just absorbing nutria. But what is turning up on bushes instead of berries is them green gobbling peppers. There was three boys in the gangers. They were Billy, Hollaway, and Jimmy. The only Port Authority on Mars is the Industrial Salvage of Indigent Personnel or the ISIP. There was only four men stationed in the CityOnMars. They carried Simultaneous Air Guns or SAGs to stop insurgents like the gangers from stealing the peppers from the hydroponic gardens. They were not mean men but highly trained to obverse reactions. They were patrolling near the gardens when the boys came out of Airllock Number 16452378B. They were reeling like the drunkard with the tankard each boy had lost his face mask they were dangling down in front of them almost dragging on the ground each boy had a half eaten green gobbling pepper in his hand. They were showing signs of shortness and they was dizzy to a boy they were falling out of Airllock with no protection and them stolen peppers in plain sight. The instructor was on radio he ordered the three men of the ISIP to (put the tranquills in the Sags)r and then ordered them to (prepare to fire)r. "Repeat the order one man", said "for these is only boys in front of us." (They aer Finks not boys they aer from the Family of Finks on the south side of Mars)r. The men was stunned not knowing what the effects of the Sags was gonna have on them boys but they was all killer trained. And so they drawed them Sags and fired them Tranquills hit each boy they all fell down to ground and then to a boy they got back up and smiled. The instructor said (the Tranquills should have an effect on the peppers reactions)r now the FINKS boys replaced the face masks and the men holstered the Sags. They let them go after all they wanted was to eat Farkleberries from the green gobbling pepper bushes in the Hydroponic gardens of the CityOnMars.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


MOther may eye
Mother MAY eye
Just because a person is idosyncrite does not meant that’s a forever kind of thing most men change them socks on a daily regular basis. Eye had fun adding eees to words to make them look a lot differant perhaps eye was emulating olde englishe. Eye have another bad habit it’s the CAPITALIZATION of words in the center of a syntax. But there is no hidden meaning in the poem eye do not type on two differant levels most of what ewe see is what ewe get. May is a word all by itself it’s not always the Month in the Year of eye Lord. May can be an adverb. Or the verbage or verbiage. Don’t forget to take out the verbage from your syntaxes. It is the worthless way of the world that bad people have of being nice to one another by holding doors for weaker sexes and they call it common courtesy. Like Sir Walter Raleigh’s Coat on top of muck. Ewe may MAY have been confused by the capitol letters and said to self now whay did he say that. Why did he capital them letters in the middle of that syntax. WHY eye bet it was for emphasis but WHAT? Perhaps that CharlaX added this to mean next month he is always doing something like that in his poems. Nay dear ewe eye am mortally wounded. Eye would never make a hidden secret meaning in the middle of a syntax without sending ewe an emale to tell ewe all about it news at eleven. Eye want to spend my Easter Money on eggs and coffee oph please Mother MAY eye.