Thursday, August 20, 2009


FAME poem(thespiritoffame) Here is a true story. Today is yesterday I was in the Grocery. I noticed an AD price on my fave Shasta Soda 2 Litre Bottle that I love. I am 55 old man years in love so I chose the Diet Shasta. She glanced up at me this great big spender woefully she over charged me too much when I pulled the AD and pointed at the picture she said tough. The picture is a REAL COKE image she was rough its not a DIET drink at all. I blanched and told her to please go look down in the aisle I just come from with drink in hand and now I smile. She took the AD and marched away I frowned. She apologized for trying to do this quick fix and charging way too many coins. She rang up the soda now the price was right again she apoligized but I had had way too many frights. I said the PICTURE in this case has nothing to do with the sale price. She stuck a frog down in her throat and could not talk no more. And now I' m sorry that I spoke this last at all. This wold not have happened to a movie star in a Bollywood Grocery Store.

Friday, August 14, 2009

On is NO backwardian

On is NO backwardian ewe.iciAdmin meeting AD men smile they decided on a new pile of style. A light switched is on but what is off but no. On is NO spelled backwards. They had too many coffee clatches. Desperite for more millions of them ad dollar signs. Change all the wall switches from ON and OFF to ON and NO. We will make trillions. ### $$$ 666 the dollar signs lit up all there eyes as no one cracked a whimper of a smile or dared to laugh at men too far along in dregs of coffee beaned mahem and Autonomous autotymity. Committee planning got a white board up they drew this thing as a light board light switch with the FLipper down and NO in bold. Then some bright boy did another one with the FLipper up and ON in green with pulsating neon. Everyone begins to groan. They switched the board by turning it upside down and then switched it back we only needed to make one they shouted at each other like madmen. NO is ON backwardian. On is no. ONNO NOON OH WHY they giggled and kissed like school girls again. One man actually started a new ad board tisement verted in. No is on at NOON and ONNO is the MOON. But they shook the proverbiage head and said there is no M. Toss out that bum. And so he left chasetaken. But then came the rearranging the ONNO was kept and NOON was added they worked until almost Midnite until dawn almost came and then they jumped up. This is what they had come up with for the final ad assessment. Off has been taken off as a choice of light movement. YOu have ON and NO as choices now it comes in green neon with no extra background sold as better Department Stored Items. SOld by HASHBROS®™ company a division of TRENDY™. Each package is one item screws sold seperatley. $10.95 @ each. No tax or liscence needed. See hardware aisle for screws please dont use tacks or nails in walls of dwelling places in the city proper places.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

XLIV. Iff the fire inside my heart

XLIV. Iff the fire inside my heart of flesh were stoney rockewe.iciIgneous stone should burst into flame my way;Formed in outer space I would be landed like a river fishe,From outre limits far remote, where she doth stay.No matter then although a merman feet did standUpon the farthest planet remov'd from rings of Saturnal;For mermaids thoughts can jump both land and sea scrollingAs soon as think the place where merman I would be.But, ah, thought kills I that I am not who or eye the lidded twitched,To leap tall buildings of miles in that superhuman leap out yonder sille,But that, so much of earth and water wretched out of skye,I must attend time's leisure with my play actress mobile phone; Receiving nought by elements of so slow a ring tone But heavy burns, badges of either's fires of flames. A mermaid with her merman sings.