Saturday, July 24, 2010


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Coffee drops from this mustache Burger tested nice the pickle added flavor to a better wait eye wait for bus to come eye sit inside
because eye soon decided to have breakfast time today my heart is blessed and so the nether reaches of my body making promises to me tomorrow morning after another night of blessed rest upon a poor and discarded blanket not suited for a dog a thankful man with sores is blessed upon his discard. Where eye slept in humble poverty and rich from ewe in love with snail mail too eye have some coffee refill now and write this mess a thankfulness. To Master M if yew aer reading this please understand my faith, the ewe is my soul-mate and to the ewe eye send to ewe this thankfulness.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The May Pole And The Taffy Pull

The May Pole And The Taffy Pull
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Sorrow came to me and cleared my eye.
Mye QYeen has NOT forgotten me,
But , OH , mye , whye , has she displaced me.
Could it bee that eye have angered HER , or
Thoughts of me confuses HER ,
She has no chance to caht with me,
And so she tries to spare me the anguish.
Dance around the May Pole again,
Mye Qyeen and do not weep so for all I have been,
I have just been missing ewe again,
Mye Pain is only heartbreak to bee mended,
By thy kiss ;
And when you aer at thy Taffy-Pull
Have fun and do no bent and do no worry,
Mye mind stays in a hurry and I worry all the day,
Searching for mye love.
Ewe aer a Snow White turtle dove,
And Pocahontus also,
And a mermaid in ewe heart,
And when Ragon Fly Comes,
To fly around ewe, remember ewe
Aer still mye QYeen
And Never Shall We Bee apart
Mye tears aer never salty.