Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Chinese Things
thump on a rock charles is home
thump thump lets eat
then there was the hollering
people yelled in them dells
HEY next rock are you home
HEY yo in the cave
Hey this is charles outstanding in the field
then wires were formed from precious metals silver and from gold they made electric holds
dit dit dah this is charles
dash STOP
dit dah dah read the message
dash EWE
then the Phone message came online the wires were heavy and expensive
a monthly charge
the phone bill was becoming god
This is charles is linda there omg
no this is newberry this is the party line
buzzzzzzzzzzzzz the hang upps had begun
Marconi to Bell to Dell
this is charlax did you read any of my emails ewe
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa < 3 special love instantaneous transmissions now take three earth days to preform in Gmail inside the Dell this Message

Monday, November 14, 2011

Google needs a DOCtor

Google needs a DOCtor
Google needs a DOCtor
Google needs a DOCtor
ODDly this is not a complaint but a gesture of compliance of a compliant user of the intergnet is slow so slow eye can get off and walk faster to a town or a CIty near the strike zone is coming in a moment of time perhaps in 4012 the end is closer to the time WHEN eye decided to open an Old google document it told me to upgrade it so eye decided to upgrade it to my surprise there is no way to publish it now. The link to the old document says ORIGINAL sin so there is where eye went and yes the link is valid provided you have a google account open when you go to the link and eye was not signed in it gives me the log in this is reduntant and retardent and most people will not get a Gmail account just to view my poem or my poetry and/or backslash loll eye always wanted to type this it is funn to type and read it while its moving so slowly in the lagg monsters mouth please do not miss a letter it is li8ke a typewriter now the backspace is like the old wayback bar cha chinG ching clang and yes there is two gg in lagg go look in the spelling place iff ewe have not belief in eye lagg is used in tennis elbow and oh my god its a exclamative point also see Snitch to dob on to tell on to snitch to lagg on and lastly we have the piece of resistance ??? you were thinking of the French versionette to utterly defeat oneself as to get online and try to make a Google Doc in a hurry for my facebook friends will half to see this tommorrow now there is no more time for the LAGG has so soon defeated me. Google needs a DOCtor

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Life is absurd it reached the point of no return there is too many writers but only one reader. 666. Today the Reader begins his list there is fifteen million six hundred sixty six. Some of these Authors seem very very good some of them stink. He putts the stink on the shelf he only reads the best of the very best. He skips the cartoons you get the idea it will soon be manageable for him this list. He needs to get the list down to 666. Two poems every Day he will Read for one year then take some time off to rest to start over the next item on this list is Novels Novellas Great beasts of length. He only reads poems this reader is slick. He noses the books to find prose now no rhymes without reasons then he suddenly finds the Charlax poetry section in the lieberry. He quickly Marks his list to include only this one guy. This is what he Read.
The West.
Would eye live in the old wild west
the notebook penned inside my vest
the pacifist
the old homeless
beaten down into the ground
just for being around them
those who kill
then bury the evidence in the sea
then they danced over my demise
drinking whoring killing more of there own kind
do not count me among the living
the brother killed me the long time over
then the same sort of killers
do it over then over
while they rule nothing but the wicked
who choose to be like them
soon to be recognized
then forever gone
you should not have killed me old son
The Reader closed his list. THIS he smiled this poem this poet this is all eye will ever Read.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Poem FOur

Poem Four

green my bottom is white eye do have the longest roots in this pond of brooks Walden the frog is not real heavy he is one of the young ones eye suppose he likes me he feels safe sitting me eye dew enjoy his company the things this lily pad does is float then dream of love the fish here got lazy they do not even nibble on my roots eye like to pretend to live forever its so cool when the sky clouds up eye no longer fear the rain falls from the white sky the drops not even disturbing my wort up top the frog shudders then relaxes letting the water cascade past him to the river is under us under the ground the underground river is found below the water line the water is not good to drink dark swirling blackish stench but here the life is clean the air is pure where frogs sit on these lilypads to dream of love in Walden's pond

Friday, February 11, 2011


NO one of us is immune to the love
eye love ewe
there is no doubt
there is no hurry
when the time comes
we will then scurry in the flurry
purple flowers never wilt
they last forever in love
prayers until then
my love my heart my friend
my woman in Faith
our ties do not bind us
to sin
only to each other
only to love
we get addicted then
when Valentine's Day finally comes
to greet us with the kis of love
roses red violets blue
no one loves you like eye dew
do you seem addicted too

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Thank YOu Jesus for the people bye the people in spite of them people under your steeple.


Slimey slick white icky licky to some wipe it off quick to others think thick some think thin viscous or blotted vicarious or controlled released or kept inside red yellow green when sick or white when fine eye have seen it clear but not refined do not speak to me of goo it bodes ill for noise it is residue in Chambers not yet clean but in her hands it finds new meaning it is mostly unclean but not in the marriage it is acceptable in lovers portions but not spoken of in polite society they only form opinions of the matters of the flesh but goo is never living but its dead formed from the living tissue but alive on some forgotten microscopic level they think its where the babies still come from the rolling thunder of the Ocean Waves. Poe would not begin to goo or you would you title your next poem goo tell me who would goo these pages to the poetry distillations in this famine stuck in winter everyone is poet there is novelists who write but never goo so eye choose to goo its not the sin in my house to love its not never nothing bad they goo you knoe they do they goo or they lie to say they did not do it they did it there is no doubt why not admit it sometimes so thick the goo it oozes in the landscape from the milkweed but no do not drink the goo its poison goo pretend the eye will be the goo for you goo is never dirty goo goo is good for you goo is good for eye envision whole Nations rising upp from mudd to be torn to goo to be turned from sin into goo to goo when life is over to be the goo in Heaven there is goo but its unleavened