Thursday, December 12, 2013



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Rendering unto MicroSoft
today eye remember eating real food it is nostalgia
they dont make it like they used too
it is not the same
dough is not lard enough
meat is more green
limits imposed by rules add flavor to the mixed fruit and veggies
postal employees use spam to make dinner
in the third degree of time passes less now you seem to be the last eater left
food is guilty on the plate
not judged enough
not using lard to make the dough
food is slough
meat is not tough enough
salads shoot the innocent pass more quickly away
people used to eating dinosaurs need more
poor people were once richer
food was once upon a time a source
ingredients gradients
MicroLard comes in a big large barrel
bring your small pails and buckets to the MicroSoft store

ed.note.ed enjoy ewe microlard
  • Submitted by: charlax on 30 July, 2013, 5:06 pm
    Category: Special Events
    Author: charlax

Thursday, November 14, 2013

O christians

O christians O christians

November 14, 2013 at 1:17pm
O christians everyOne
O christians everyOne

O christians
O christians
thanksgiving is approaching us now
O a symbOl Of Eternity
the circle unbrOken heavens family what Of lOve can a man lOve mOre than Only One but let me putt this O tO yOu anOther way
a part Of everything neither ying Or yang the mOvie seen the mOvie scene hOOded saints a wOrshipping a cave sexless beings wOmen mixed up with men but Only praying near a stone slab an alter representing gOd abOve tOO pOOr to light a candle nO incense nOr crOss hiding frOm those rOman sOldiers death is certain nOw fOr Jesus name is hated all Over rOme O what have we dOne to anger gOd he sent his sOn his death has frightened everyOne the ApOstles insisting that we are all saved and sO we stand here hidden frOm the daylight and we pray tO Jesus waiting fOr his returning tO this Earth where life is gOne
O christians everyone

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Seven Horses of the Sun

Seven Horses of the Sun
 photo Helios.jpg

Horses of Helios
Chapter One
`As the guard moved silently on the treads around the stalls of the Sun God eye went swiftly dragging my lame foot into the first chariot where the seven horses stood waiting for Helios
quickly eye took the reins and shouted in a fair imitation of his  voice at first nothing happened then the lead horse jumped upp and they all began to fly away those ample wings of gold seemed impossible to fly they sped upp into the Roman sky
we leveled off and flew the horses assumed eye was Helios and they followed his course around the sun as iff he was here but it was only me suddenly a panic below us  were the ships of Ra the EgYptian god was circling the  sky pretending to be Helios
would the horses obey me now
they responded only to the voice of Helios
eye could not fail eye had studied him completely day after day hidden outside the stalls listening to the inflection of the broken God
for he was the son of Zeus lame just like me his left side almost gone he held the reins of the lead horse only in his twisted left hand just as eye held them now
moving swiftly down eye called to the Horse in Greek  the others followed only him they sensed a  victory complete the egYptian  vessels dived to escape my wrath this erstwhile Roman intent on making the Sky only mine
Pharos and Ra would never rule the Roman Sky
Hera had sent me to stop them and stop them eye was just above the first ship of Ra it dove to escape the heat from the Golden wings of Helios
Pharos twisted out of sight thinking eye was Helios but only  Android eye called softly now to the Horse Pegasus and the other horses followed him as we began to rise in the Roman Sky
bring to mind your intelligence imagination now ewe should see the horses shining below and above the chariot makes Helios look like the orb of the Sun seen in every Nation in the daytime
10 am and all is as it should be