Tuesday, September 8, 2015

a butterflys footsteps

a butterflys footsteps

September 8, 2015 at 1:28pm
a butterflys footstepsa butterflys footsteps

a butterflys footsteps
a butterflys footsteps
an open letter to franco from American
we are already at war there is no use to deny
to begin a war is the enemy
they need to be taken to the task
please do not withhold your aid now
we are allies in freedom
you are my greatest friend ami
please bomb the ISIS just for me
for charlax is weeping
at all these atrocities they are committing
in the name of a false religion
lift up your banner and win
the war is thine
François Hollande,
un butterflys traces
un butterflys traces
une lettre ouverte au franco-américain de
nous sommes déjà en guerre il est inutile de nier
pour commencer une guerre est l'ennemi
ils doivent être pris à la tâche
s'il vous plaît ne pas retenir votre aide maintenant
nous sommes alliés à la liberté
tu es mon meilleur ami ami
s'il vous plaît bombarder l'ISIS juste pour moi
pour charlax pleure
à toutes ces atrocités qu'ils commettent
au nom d'une fausse religion
soulevez votre bannière et gagner
la guerre est à toi
François Hollande,
pour œil avons entendu butterflys traces

for eye have heard a butterflys footsteps

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

knot knot

knot knot
tension knots my day people come they stay they go away some clave
some knave some play sweet dreams is made of these I travel the seven seas a fortune in glory a lost sky suddenly burst forth the clouds parted like a veil and the sky turned blue hot and cold from the same mouth is cheesy knot knot CHEEKY says one thing to me then when about says another obvious memory problem she will not remember my namme or why I am under no obligation to reveal more knot knot sane but not insanity perhaps old with getting older memory goes a wet sneeze is ok iff in mouth and nose same time wipe upp no one will notice knot knot mabe fatty foods cause sneezes I eat a lot of MCDONALD'S burgers mabe knot knot  it is uncertain why to me the people come they stay they play too busy to ask a friend why is not a friend again knot knot is not a friend again not time for games climbing the ivy walls the students play games on mount olympus knot knot a campus not a sounding board of education not a rehab for gansta drug addicts and drunks
cajoling system potable water is portable unless is knot knot who can carry water only the infirmity room will the SAN ANDREAS be at fault the line is drawn under the sea under the seven seas knot knot the tension is incredible but not edible can cut with knife knot knot arena roped in area is not collective only players some assembly required in the meantime it could be rather knot knot pills coffee food time when boozed is not the option and memory is thine real ax on my charlax knot knot flipping been at the monk cage BEN knot knot been at the servitude level long enought mabe will rule my UNiverse today knot knot a possibility of an exception to the rule knot knot
hard to read charlax
knot knot

Saturday, August 8, 2015

COmplainte Departmeant

COmplainte Departmeant

COmplainte Departmeant
people are idiots
idiots in charge of people and public places and public people in public places
I tried to find the best place to complain of bad treatment
and I think I found the right department
I can print this google document
and then file it in the round file
the trash can for deployment
they will find it undecomposed
because the ground wont keep my prose
they can read this after three hundred years it is smelling like a rose
and they will laugh and nudge each other call me brother
they will say he did the best thing he could find
he filled the trash can with his mind
charlax is printing now
COmplainte Departmeant

Saturday, July 25, 2015

ISIS also 666 also ISIS

ISIS also 666 also ISIS

ISIS also 666 also ISIS
I see IS Snake
I see a snake without a head the rattle heard beside my bed the body keeps the rattle heard the war continuing to me the end in sight the leader lost his fight he will lose his life the will of others in the fight lost to sight they need no more recruits they need no more jack boots the end is nigh for all the younger lads need just to stay at home to learn the garden zen become we need no war machine to kill a snake without a head a fangless body a rattle heard is stopping no more war the answer to the problem the BIRD has spread her wings to join in the fight she makes a nest for allies in the fight she has the head please look beside the water on the beach to find this thing and pull the fangs of ISIS clean the sand of evidently poison hiding in the sun the body ISIS burning books like Nazi using Hitler tactics sabers rattleing while still destroying works of art fight fire with fire the TURKS are killers from the very olden days of GOLDEN artifacts of stone. Perhaps ISIS is off her throne and the ALLIES of the warriors of old are bold to take the body down and even the rattles will be found the noise of ISIS gone the way of any snake without a head today it made me happy to see the battle joined a ruling country in the war of ISIS to be won no further from the truth a crisis
ISIS also 666 also ISIS

Friday, July 3, 2015

Cartier March 2009 page 2

Cartier March 2009 page 2

Three poems by Charles Robert Hice

Adult male seeks readers for free poetry by a JesusFreak (the flesh is dead eye am a). Check out my latest works from the CharlaXBio.

Website: http://www.poetrypoem.com/charlax7

Absense of Snow

The way is clear and not encumbered.
No shoving with my feet and labored,
I walk and smell no roses.
I feel my life instead of death.
The sky is blues and sunny.
The clouds are white and far away.
The snow is absent around about me.
I sense the absence of the snow.
It must be what Heaven will be.
No snow or ice or death.
I will kiss you all someday.
When I am there.
Gone away.
To rest.

Flowers Fade

I saw the flowers on the roadside,
they were all so pretty to me;
they seemed permanent to me,
But snow will frown--
wind and rain and sun.
The flowers are all gone.

Forking Ill

John M went camping and took his friend Timmy. Off they went to the Forking River Dam.
They went to the Forking Campground near the Forking Dam. They decided to visit the
Forking City. They had to go to the Forking Market. It was near the Forking Gas Station
closer to the furcating Forking River bending near the Forking swamp turning into the
Forking Quicksanding place there where they turned off the Main Forking Road. They
turned Forking right there. There is a Forking left turn as well but they had to get to
the Forking Store. They bought some Forking Beer made in the Forking Brewery. They were
still in Illinois. Forking, Ill. Ill is the abbreviation for Illinois, so we aer all
Forking, Ill. For now. The men were Forking camping so they bought some Forking beans
made at the Forking beanery. The Forking Meat CO. provided. The Olympic branch of the
Mount Olympus Water CO. Donated the Forking Water. They went to the Forking River Motel
to steal the soap and the towels. They paid for the room and took two Forking Dam
showers. They kept the Forking Dam Ashtray. It has a picture of the Forking Dam River.
The Forking Dam Police were searching for the Forking Dam Campground to arrest the
Forking men. They were not from Forking at all but just out of townies they had come to
Forking Dam to Fish for Forking Fish. They went to the Forking Boat Dok and rented a
Forking Boat the Indian Man in charge of the Forking Boat Dock said you out of townies
speak with Forking tongue. But money green in Forking Dam. Good to see you Forking men.
The Men in Forking Dam City are Forking gay. The Forking City Future Club is Oddfellows
Hall. Eye am Forking, Ill. From all that Forking Fish they gave to me the nibbles and
the bites the love all tied up in Forking Ville. They said that visit day is FrYdaY
at the Forking Prison Institution they have a Forking Fish fry for religion they want
me to go to Forking, Ill. And visit.

Monday, June 8, 2015



June 8, 2015 at 6:03pm
a charlax poetry poem Blinda charlax poetry poem Blind

iff eye say eye cannot see then eye am blind
and the world has no power to add blindness to my sight
and iff eye say eye have no sleep in sight
then eye must rest the best eye rest
iff eye say eye have no food then eye must be a fast asleep or
iff eye say eye have no clothes then eye am dressed asleep and blind or
who can say they cannot see and yet the watch is read in sight of me
and when this life is over can we go on seeing can we go on living sight is part of life and yet eye say that eye am blind and yet eye see the night and sleep and dress in poverty in riches and eat my share of plenty there
oh LORD please take me home to be there
when this life is over cast me not away to die
let me live this life of plenty while eye am still Blind
a charlax poetry poem

Sunday, March 22, 2015



A Religious Paroday
The Missionary was inclined he liked to make the buckets in a line the corners of the tents he tied in four pillars of hope the bugs stayed away from him in dark the village slept. He made a cross the first day he was in the square the Medicine man was making mud in the pitt he took the cross and covered it. The Medicine man said MuddyStickisGOD the Missionary nodded his head and called it Jesus. The whole village danced the dance of Jesus bowing back and forth like windded jugglers they praised this GOD this MuddyStickisGOD they called it Jesus just like the Missionary said it. The Reformer HeadMaster came to the village and was asked to sit and watch the dancers he sat there stoned and listened to them chantters as they called that Muddy Cross the Jesus they sang a song of muddy water calling on this MuddyStickisGOD they bowed before it the Missionary sat there smiling unaware of anything was wrong he liked it. The HeadMaster was the HeadMinister of his religion He asked the Missionary what the MuddyStickisGOD was supposed to represent now to this people to this tribe of Aborgines is the the way we want them to see Jesus? OH yes said this young Missionary they understood me from the very first day they putt the mudd upon the cross sticks very carefully they even called it Jesus dont you see this HeadMasterMinister? He only frowned the poor mans smile away. NO. We see a bunch of Pygmalion Aafricaans worshipping sticks with mudd caste upon them there is no evidence that this is our religion worship in this glen observed is decadent and vague not blessed. Cant you see this my poor Missionary man? He left in his Heliocoptor Car in a paroday of Jesus in the clouds he waved down at no one there all the villagers were still dancing down near the Muddy Cross the Missionary smiling back at them convinced that he and he alone had saved the souls of all them stoned Native dancers in the glen they kept saying Jesus over and over again but some were saying MuddyStickisGOD instead of Jesus. Then is when the real Jesus opened up the sky and stood there looking down at all the villagers dancing there and took only the Missionary with him up to the Heaven in the Sky the Missionary asked him what about them villagers. They will be along later they are saved never worry about that you did a great JOB my little Missionary man for Faith in me is the only thing that saves you. What about the HeadMinisterMaster Reformer in the heliocoptor? He will make it later too he needs more work he needs to take the place of you look down there in the glen he is dancing with the dancers now trying to understand them. And down there in the glen the Former Reformer HeadMasterMinister was dancing with the villagers saying Jesus and MuddyStickisGod and bowing down and chantting and then weaving and dancing like a windded juggler back and forth before this Muddy Cross and he sang a song of muddy water as he sang he sang a song of Jesus saying MuddyStickisGOD.