Friday, July 31, 2009


Part ONe
On the base at Fort Knox Kentucky UP at five am back to the bus with an all night assignment in the BARRACKS now who pushed my foot against the foot locker wiht foot on top of locker against the bunk who got a chair then tried to asleep but hard to sleep in daytime wearing green fatigues quite camoflauged to crawl in dirt and grass an Army WOrm. At 5 pm on back of truck was handed out an M-16 a weapon with one round. The Sargeant said YOU are Barney Fife. What did you say THAT for who almost cried. ONE ROUND. ONE ROUND. One Round is in your m-16. One round and then it finally dawned who understood him USE it grunt only iff you have too. Pointeing as they drove away it is the Army Way SEE that building ? Walk Around. Who then determined to be Army Green and Mean who walked until almost Eleven oclock then a man got out of an old panel Station Wagon. Who waited until he unlocked the door of the very building he was guarding THEN who came around the Corner of that building FREEZE who cried out just like Barney FIFE. Who took this Major by surprise. WHo told him carefully SHOW ME SOME ID. Surprised He started to argue to do otherwise He said cant you see im a MAJOR in the ARMY? WHo calmly told him the Safety is OFF on this weapon I can FIRE. Is what you are doing worth this ROUND? He paused and reached into his shirt pocket quickly producing a worn out ID card. Thinking they were testing me i told him searching at it quickly it is TWO YEARS OLD this ID card is out of Date and why do you have a Typewriter in that Station Wagon crate. He seemed inpressed and told me it IS his office but he no longer works there and yes the ID is an old one and YES he took the Typewriter BUT he said i still have the KEY to the office. I handed back the card and let him keep the typewriter as well let who now explain. Who decided that WHO was only guarding the building and not the stuff inside. The Major had a key. His story still checked out its something anyone would do on a luckless Friday night. I am running out of room on this google document so there will be part two of this Private Hice Story just let me say now who is glad he did not shoot that Major stealing typewriter out of whos building he was guarding. This is PART ONE of

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Computor changes Numbers so random changes change with each random reservation and cancellations change late assignees signing in five minutes late can change the total assignation designation and the Inputt Terminal has a differing view of overall differing areas nothing else changed but the place that I was making the reservation from but the length of the time the same amount of waiting period but now who has a differant number as a final destination. I had two extensions on a session when i left quite certain that this thing now has a reservation i noticed one available computor. It was still open so strang. So guess where the Inputt Terminal sent me back to the Computor i was using for one more hour session. So why did not who get all his full extensions. Here is what most probably occured. The third extension came and went without a word of register in time but who reserved his own computor time, available no longer but red reservation letters with my TIME my login clearly available NOW, someone else snagged the Green One. No Reservation needed now for the Indian. For them not for who must follow through the system. I reserved a Computor at the Upstairs INputt Terminal. YOu guessed it it was Number FOUR. I now had a weight of 55 minutes. I walked downstairs to the DownStairs Inputt Terminal. There i was given a reservation for Computor 6 but with the same 55 minute weight. Since nothing else was changed except the area of the Inputt Terminal, who has decided the Computor is a Sentient creature and must also be able to think at least in differant ways in differant areas it thinks most differantly. UNLESS someone upstairs was making a reservation simultaneously with who now down the stairs. He (the INdian) no doubt has Number Four reserved in 55 minutes more. Who has Number 6 in 55 minutes. Only the Computor really knoes. It's Sentient.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


The Author is known to me who is the publisher tis true the Poem is a short can be fitted in a Mag any old Rag will do. Who reads it over carefully frowning down at the byline is Charles Hice. Written in his haste no doubt a free pen taken from the Bank, his notebook wadded folded spindled in his pocket of that Green faded Vest he always wears it. And she okays it to be published she refuses to be swayed by facts the poem is so UGLY Stark and seldom touches rhymes but love hath blinded her she wants this Author to be richly payed as once more she reads this THING
A Cowboy has three Bullits
One went off by accident (or Fun)
One was dead coyote (purposely done)
One is gone to scaring Indian (got to get this close)
always in his GUn.
After she is finished finding shelf life for this prose out the door she goes to grab her Marguerites rub her toes upon the Carpet tacks this note done while she smiles she knoes the poet will now eat. The Author Eats.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


i have always been resistant to old wives tales the things everyone always take for truth plainly they are sometimes fiction like planting food under a Blue Moon sense most blue moons come in Winter hard to plant the seeds up North under all that snow even finding topsoil takes a long while depending commonsense has fled where Diet is concerned drink lots of water some say none some say moderation Moderation is the key to all things as none is wrong except for the sake of Sackclothe and Brimestone as Religion Plant neap reap and sew only knitting in the spring is colder clearer where it pools draws flys in the face of facts where frogs dwell brings dogs to liver pools Bares Roman River banks range away here there spotted now then eating fish fresh water comes from taps older wives have tails perhaps a throwback to young tadpoles found in older greener limning pools of slate as old wives tails

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


ING (Title) (Subtitle) ing
Ekeing Out A Good Living Walking Out Lotting Talking Seldoming
Functioning Abling Living Breatheing Shallowing Lifting Heaving Stones
Unilateral Sleeping Ing Homo Sapiens Bones Lame Brain Open Toes
Ed.Note.Ed CharlaXNotes
Who has shelter in that place is food who closes door with stones placed to hold the tarp in wind rain come who has rafting shoes there never yet worn who need socks.