Thursday, July 16, 2009


i have always been resistant to old wives tales the things everyone always take for truth plainly they are sometimes fiction like planting food under a Blue Moon sense most blue moons come in Winter hard to plant the seeds up North under all that snow even finding topsoil takes a long while depending commonsense has fled where Diet is concerned drink lots of water some say none some say moderation Moderation is the key to all things as none is wrong except for the sake of Sackclothe and Brimestone as Religion Plant neap reap and sew only knitting in the spring is colder clearer where it pools draws flys in the face of facts where frogs dwell brings dogs to liver pools Bares Roman River banks range away here there spotted now then eating fish fresh water comes from taps older wives have tails perhaps a throwback to young tadpoles found in older greener limning pools of slate as old wives tails

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