Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The rainbow missed DUrango it went to either side the south the north the ridge to hide. Candorella was still staying dry inside his shelter when the rain penetrated just one corner to the side. He lost a shoe out in the rain a pain the inset was to be set inside the boot the insert gone to wetness mute it just wont do not dry enought for just one Candorella slipper is in use. The Pot of Golden things they use in Ireland is still there the Leprechaun not hiding on the hillside of DUrango there within reach is the rainbow edge it missed the city proper green and golden chards lay near the tree line is a passing cloud obscuring the top of a ridge has come off it looks like a painting the clouds with the small section of fading dirty part of this City is toppled and moving there up there where the sky is still falling the rain now mixed with hail stones ave nuevo let the snow come now while I can stay dry at home near the end of the Rainbow has come. Faith that the snow will not blind me is pampered with Glasses saved Hidden like sun weildy better day visions. For soon I will need it when white out will come to this City I attend to mark time as a surrealist reaching for Rainbows end. Seeing the way to the Highway again. Perhaps the Rainbow is lighting the Cuspidoors at the ends of the bars down on Main near the Olde Irish Embassy Pub? They still watch Football or Soccar on the cable downstairs every Sunday Mourn. While I must Abstain I no longer refrain added others misery my own is enought just belly up bar stooled and get you a Pint or even Two have you the time its okay just follow the end of that DUrango Rainbow any olde Octember day.

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