Monday, February 15, 2010


You see eye DO like dead presidents eye like them a whole lot but you SEE they make the old ones now. The girls at the coffee shoppes in New York just dont care anymore they give me the old money cause im a Grey haired old man. They see me coming haha I know you understand how FRUSTRATINGLY horrible it is to get a one dollar bill back from your brand new five only to find it has white ICKY tape on the back of it it is split intwo pieces when you remove the tape LISTEN up I know you have done this too when you remove the tape NOW wait where was eye ? When you remove the tape from the back you now have two one dollar bills but only two halves they wont work in any machine we have in the office. I know cause I am tired of trying to get that bagel and egg thing. Please girls all I am asking you is too go into your drawers and remove the old money place it on the Bottoms of all the stacks in each little place they go asleep until you actually have a customer in your place of busyness. A little CBS humour. HaHA. This has been CharlaXARooney on SixtyFive Minutes.

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