Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Davinci Art School

Davinci Art School
Fourteen students each one imitating the teacher was Davinci they went one after the other brushing stroking fondling the canvas easiley smilng at the easel eye was hidden from the curtain but my android boots were clearly visible no one noticed so intent on painting eye counted seven children then eye paused one was a girl she was in charge invert a bowl over her head she looked like the other lads a tad poling the brush she was the best eye ever seen at art working the brush in a mobius strip Davinci had eyes only for the little girl the boys were all so jealous of her each one had a differant color on his thumb driving the brush each in his turning the paint and smiling on the canvas the whole painting was smiling at the people in the room the seven little boys were dwarfing the old man was leering at the girl the painting taking more then seven weeks just to complete would possibly make them all mad

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