Friday, April 20, 2012

Eightteen April Days


Eightteen April Days
INn the shadow of the Alamo
and inN the shadow of the Cross of Jesus
with Davy Crockett
eye am not a tall man as men go walking eye move slow eye take the limp away by constant moving on the go eye look so normal to the most of them but the man with the walky talky and the blue shirt on did not like the way eye was dressed eye do not like the way you are dressed is how he said this to me and it has somewhat let me down the Texan walks in town and must protect his Citizens but not from clowns who dress the homelessness eye have a reason for each item eye putt on my wollie cap it helps me see when sun is sweating me it keeps my head from over heat and lets me breathe while the extra shirt absorbs the sweat upon my back and all the rest of things work much the same to keep me dry or cooling off to a much needed level as eye walk past the Alamo where Crockett is enshrined the Alabaster IMage smiling down at me is Buckskinned IMagry the bas relief like some sort of Ancient Egyptian god this American who gave his life for me stands out though shorter then Colenal Travis he is taller there to me and so am eye as eye walk beside the Alamo we three seem to agree Jesus Davy Crockett and me. Even in my Alter ego old homeless felt real proud of this Texas Statesman who counted himself dead for Freedom. He may have shook the hand of the Governor of Texas perhaps other state Senators. Iff its true that Jesus Judges mens deeds and thinks its good to die to sacrifice a life to save other lives it might just be possible that to give ones life as a Hero to defend freedom is good enought for a Just GOD who still cares about everything and nothing loses his attention. It is straining my beliefs to accept this as the truth there must be more to the Alamo then what the Spaniards are still telling us and it certainly means even more today then there odd tourist attraction. Eye felt the Spirit of Davy Crockett on the streets of San Antonio and eye feel a little better now under the Cross of Jesus in Texas Eightteen April Days

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April Page Thirteen April Page Thirteen


April Page Thirteen

Fryday April 13 2012 is stuck open in between the rock and the hard place abandoned by most people will not arise out of the bed they pulled the patrol cars to the church to arrest the homeless once again there is too many people on the street the undercover cops should have worn yellow shirts but the blue ones on the huge men stand out they are not really hiding they like to patrol incognito they move in the homeless areas you can form an opinion of people from the way they sleep on the steppes of the religion the church is a target every night some of them try to live in the doorway causing problems to the white light just seems to drawn them out they come no one apologizes yet they curse at everyone some of them still drunk now disorderly the drunk talked ess to me he did not try to avoid me he even tried to provoke me but he left when he noticed eye was not amused eye got angry almost to the point of fighting him then he left and eye walked around profiling on the street at my age not a good thing to do but no one was angry at me and so eye found the drunk belly upside down on the sidewalk he had fallen very hardly upon the concrete he was beaten up malt liquor did its job sleuthing eye seen how it must have been a hard hit leg into the curb the twisting around to land on the back the man was down but not really hurt eye left him alone he should have been arrested. The idea of jail instead of hospital needed to be implemented. NOthing worse then a worthless conversion. The constant over use of Alcoholic drink will pollute the man his speech is slurred and filled with curse words he would fight but age prevents this his worthless legs hold up the sorry that he is and then they lose the fight in the real world movie the wife is always angry at the husband and the girlfriend just sits there saying nothing she is smiling batting those eyes coquettishly as the older woman never smiles then as soon as the wife leaves the man kisses the girlfriend the wife goes off to the bar to get loaded or to find sex on her own this is nearly every movie that eye own poetry does not have halve half to fit in the box the rules form forms fit those who do the rules they from lines of generations in the strident past of time the poetry is collected but the poor poetry is neglected one thing all these poets had in common they were educated and perhaps rich to become famous they must do the million dollar expectations of the Queens during thirteen ropes upon the hanging tree thirteen knots in thirteen lassos thirteen highwaymen for jesus thirteen ghosts for thirteen reasons one man was not guilty which one my mother told me to pick this one so eye pick THIS ONE me not you are guilty you are guilty of the Truth of April Page Thirteen

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Wee Fee or W eye F eye, Wee Fee or W eye F eye

The Demon and Webster
A classic remake
this poem is not real life it is taken from the android brain of the person typing this poem is not to be considered or to be abused this poem is to be taken internally read or preused take this poem to your brain and chew
Webster was surprised when the Demon materialized there was the smell of ozone and a quick blue flash and the smell of gas the slick almost web like hair was jet black the Demon sat down before Webster could react he took a Cigar out and it lit all by itself and then the Demon smiled and he said Webster the Devil is too busy to talk to you today so SHE sent ME. Daniel had to smile. So what is it going to be this time eye have won every battle with the She Devil she never wins she never will my life is mine. The Demon kept looking outside as iff someone was supposed to arrive. This was making Webster nervous. The idea is this people think they have the right to make noise dood is dood spelled backwords whenever and wherever they wish to talk to someone there is not any rules made to prevent this HOWEVER other people who try to make noise such as WIFI without headphones are told to MUTE you must MUTE they tell them to be quiet. This is misinterpretation of the rights of all the citizens. VERY nice Daniel said the Demon but the IDEA is this the laminated crediit cards are indeed making noise but they do not care iff it is bothering some other person it is there bananna it is there nickle in the phone so to speak and there is no real way to prevent this they cannot go about wearing a bubble on the head to stop the noise. You need POWER to break the signal so they stop abusing the rights of other people you need real POWER to reach out and ZAP advantageous form of ID so it wont work. HERE and with that the Demon reached over to Webster and flashed a blue ARC over to the corner it was waiting like a real power just waiting for Daniel to reach out and take it. WAIT. The She Devil wants your soul. IN return you get the POWER photobucket is no unlimited forever. Is it a Deal ??? Daniel WEbster hated NOISE especially stupid idiot boxes sold seperately conversations when he was in a Public Place it would be so COOL to ZAP them turn them off and keep them that way. He Hesitated after all it was his SOUL in the bargain for thee DEAL was good the deal was fun but today the deal was not to be done. POWER Webster smiled. Is the soul of a mere person really contained inside his harddrive. It is still an external device not the 666 we have all been promised the end of the Mayan Calender is next weekend  on EASTER would be a good time for all of us to GO HOME Webster scratched his head and smiled tell that She Devil NO was all he said the Demon left in a cloud of blue smoke Webster frowned down at the carpet there was a 666 burned with radiation then he smiled PROOF of the after life perhaps the cleaning lady would come now. END OF STORY END OF STORY END OF STORY SIX APRIL POEMS