Friday, April 20, 2012

Eightteen April Days


Eightteen April Days
INn the shadow of the Alamo
and inN the shadow of the Cross of Jesus
with Davy Crockett
eye am not a tall man as men go walking eye move slow eye take the limp away by constant moving on the go eye look so normal to the most of them but the man with the walky talky and the blue shirt on did not like the way eye was dressed eye do not like the way you are dressed is how he said this to me and it has somewhat let me down the Texan walks in town and must protect his Citizens but not from clowns who dress the homelessness eye have a reason for each item eye putt on my wollie cap it helps me see when sun is sweating me it keeps my head from over heat and lets me breathe while the extra shirt absorbs the sweat upon my back and all the rest of things work much the same to keep me dry or cooling off to a much needed level as eye walk past the Alamo where Crockett is enshrined the Alabaster IMage smiling down at me is Buckskinned IMagry the bas relief like some sort of Ancient Egyptian god this American who gave his life for me stands out though shorter then Colenal Travis he is taller there to me and so am eye as eye walk beside the Alamo we three seem to agree Jesus Davy Crockett and me. Even in my Alter ego old homeless felt real proud of this Texas Statesman who counted himself dead for Freedom. He may have shook the hand of the Governor of Texas perhaps other state Senators. Iff its true that Jesus Judges mens deeds and thinks its good to die to sacrifice a life to save other lives it might just be possible that to give ones life as a Hero to defend freedom is good enought for a Just GOD who still cares about everything and nothing loses his attention. It is straining my beliefs to accept this as the truth there must be more to the Alamo then what the Spaniards are still telling us and it certainly means even more today then there odd tourist attraction. Eye felt the Spirit of Davy Crockett on the streets of San Antonio and eye feel a little better now under the Cross of Jesus in Texas Eightteen April Days

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