Sunday, September 28, 2008


17Loveforewe17 Prt1 He flew to the Power Pole then came back across the field to the shorter tree on the way out as eye was leaving he was following me turning his head this way and that to let me knoe that he was watching over me at night now the falcon is just a bird but this one thinks and knoes me when he sees me. A part and parcel of GOD never out of place. My heart gains strength when eye see this bird Prt2 The Dragonfly was large and brown and very out of place for where eye was bound he hovered in a spectral zone your spy just making sure that eye okay in love Prt3 The Creative mode the dove was in he turned his head and then he showed me love the same creature made the footprints in the mudd so long ago was watching me now his head was swiveling from side to side his eye blinking so surprised that someone would stop and talk with him so nice so beautiful a thing to see the dove was just a curious looking at a curiosity this dove was just one great big WHY? NeverEnd Three things agreed that love survives the storm the seasons and the mudd three totally different places today eye saw the love she gave to me it multiplied and now mye heart so longing for her love is satisfied at least one day of time will not keep us apart for long but just adds up as love.

Friday, September 26, 2008



There is a place in the scriptures in the bibles that says JESUS reached down and drew something in the sand or he wrote there something in the sand. Eye believe until proven not that he drew a fish there a fish tail and head a body and a tail the head of the fish just a line in the sand. He could have been making runes eye suppose that he could have etched in the address of Mervyns for clothes but more to the point eye am trying to make eye think and believe that Jesus drew a fish. The adulterous woman was in jeopardy of being stoned and he was making a fish in the dust with no bones just a tail and a body and a head and no fins as a sort of timekiller just to help him pass the time of day and even to help him think what to say.
Let the first stone be thrown by the one among you who is perfect and without sin then they all went away they let the woman live he was almost finished with the fish and then he went back to the sand and he drew in the tail of a very flat fish like they have there in Israel. There is a place in the scriptures in the bibles that says JESUS reached down and drew something in the sand…



There is pollen on the bees knees.
Eye live in a desert places there is lots of brown olive trees in the vegetation there is also lots of bazaar things like almost anything you can imagine that a landscaper can buy and install they place the offerings in the soil and water them and watch them grow not understanding that if it stinks it may cause alergy to them to us to everyone. Perhaps they go to classes at the school and think that they are sick they sneeze and wheeze like much older people when they stink the smell is more than others of there kind can take it's just the landscape. Eye think that people have the problem and this poem is for them just be assured that sickness is much different then this alergy while not harmless is certainly not death and can be lived with. For myself my tooth is broken the pain so hard to describe try making fire appear on flesh that's close to what eye have add alergy to pain and when eye sneeze it falls like rain oh what can anyone do just to maintain the status quo oh woe is misery the answer suffering. The best thing eye have found is just to stay inside as much as possible and hide from all the pollen as it falls from trees so wide the alleyway is danger the hedge of my protection is the air vents in my manger. Take some medicine whatever meets your fancy and try to live with alergy don't cry just dry them eyes and be of understanding that your sickness is not deadly or disease of rampant quality but only temporary every day is hard. The best my sinus does is mud. Also bee aware that the skips and intermittent glitches on the internet they aer just accidents just imagine if someone in the admin had the power just to cause this would he not use one big zap and turn it off. "Quote: This has been a free unpaid personal announcement from poetrypoem (no endorsement accepted or applied) Ed.Note. See Alergy: endquote"



Faded Newspapers
Faded Newspapers
Faded Newspapers
"Faded Newspapers"
Tao, Doa, Da Ching , life flows every Bhuddha knoes life flows hang on to one day and it will slow but never stop it flows it becomes tomorrow at midnite and starts all over again. A Man thinks with finite lines nothing infinite can enter his mind he thinks therefore he is he thinks therefore he was for when a man dies his thoughts stop everything is gone. What is worth that immortal soul that GOD gave to you at birth the one inside you now iff ewe can read this pome you still have one it goes it flows it resides with GOD again who made ewe who made us who made the eye. Life is pain they say because they hurt life is pleasure because they love life is good because they eat life is bad because they cannot sleep life is over when its death life is never flowing lest it stop life is always flowing if its quickly moving finding GOD storing limits in the finite mind leaving them sometimes to make a poem leaving world behind to find the GOD the newspapers in the closet never saw the light of day or sun and yet they yellowed aging just as iff they were laying in the yard nothing keeps a paper young it yellows and turns hard rock brown eventually becoming stone and now we come to the new internet joke. Eye left my computor double parked next to my camel so eye must be off. Eeeeeee what a good joke eye even laughed at this myself. They hang the diplomas on the wall like the wall will last forever the better diners have a plaque usually of the parking lot with a dollar bill tucked in the corner under glass to represent the first dollar ever they made no its not eye am sure that it is not they changed it several times eye rally believe this that they took the original back and replaced it with a new one from 1985 oh well go look iff ewe don’t believe eye. Then next to that is the faded photograph of the yellowed newspaper hanging on the hook that they will tell you was took with a $20 dollar Kodak. It has a picture of the owner waving a dishrag. Do not believe it is a fake iff you could take that picture of the wall and blow it up it will be a picture of the Don Ameche playing God. They put it on the wall to fool us all to make you think the wall will last forever but it’s just a faded yellow brownish rock out in the parking lot a faded newspapers.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


CharlaXPoetry: 2 CharlaXPoetry2

CharlaXPoetry: 2 CharlaXPoetry2

8DickTraceY8 Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy, the man in the yellow coat and hat, the guy with the squarest jaw in the funnies, the dude with the two-way wrist radio/TV/computer– yeah, he’s the best hero in the newspapers. He debuted in 1931, joining the police force to catch the crooks that killed his girlfriend Tess True heart’s father. From then on, he’d prove himself to be the toughest cop on the force, chasing down an unending number of crazy criminals. It’s the bad guys that really sold the strip, after all– a parade of bizarre freaks whose faces were as deformed as their black souls. These classic characters included Flattop, Big Boy, Breathless Mahoney, Little face, B-B Eyes, the Brow, the Mole, Mumbles, Spots, 88 Keys, and my all-time favorite– Prune face! The villains were gloriously despicable. I’d say Dick Tracy has one of the finest rogue’s galleries in all of fiction. Gould defined what would become the police procedural during these strips, and also introduced grisly violence onto the comic’s page. Dick Tracy lived in a rough world, and his enemies often met gruesome fates. The wrist TV was the thing eye remember the most how he flipped the thing open like Startrek in a trench coat like Colombo in drag. He barked his orders in staccato one liners like a G.I. Bill. Say it aint so Joe. It’s so. Before Eliot’s mess he was spraying them Government bullits at the bad guys with a Machine gun pistol with a rifle stock and a bored silencer attached like a medieval warrior he let them have it if they died in the attack it was just justice most people don’t want to remember how MEAN D Tracy was. GO see the movie with the kids. When Warren was standing there in that yellow trench coat he looked like a COP. Wrist Television December 6, 2006 If you are a T.V freak then not to worry because now you can have your own T.V with you everywhere. If you are at work, in school or in the streets you will have your T.V always with you, small, handy and stylish. This cute television set have 1.5″ colour TFT (thin film transistor) and it delivers a high resolution picture far superior to anything traditional televisions can offer. It comes with rechargeable battery, AC power adaptor, PLL tuner, wristband, earphone antennae. This small T.V will entertain you and will pass your time well while travelling or at leasure time. Last Pic then Bottom Pic The Punch Line is that people now have all the toys for all the big boys but the thing to remember is that they do not have the heart that Tracy had for the boy and his Tess Trueheart.


7WHYNOT77WHYNOT77WHYNOT7 Eye wrote a poem as iff what iff and iff is coming so now my themes is done and fables but a memory originality a sin with me eye oft repeat myself can ewe imagine if the Bard had lived forever how many poems would we have of Raven lay them end to end and never tire of them Oh woe Poe is back again with Quoth. Imagine more than Super Powers Imagine GOD powers in a man what would a man could do with that and still be GOD. Eye would run threw hails of bullits just laughing at the men not feeling any pain or tossing bullits back just laughing in my power at the men. Eye would let them see that someone there a picture of a small girl giggling like a princess queen. Tee Hee, Tee hee. Eye would build a giant size pin of huge proportions and let all the angels ever in Heaven dance there for one long day of Angel dancing on the head of the giant size pin. Eye would hide myself from men and never come back at all not like this Jesus who loves us all and wants to return to govern us he even builds a place to house and feed the poor and brings it with him forever more. Eye would fly faster than the light that eye had made and then come back and shake my hand. Eye would abolish slavery of every man it never quite means anything the servitude of a faithful man is limited to what the others have and do true freedom is not given men in religion we must still obey in love and be a slave. Eye would stand for ten thousand years inside a raindrop and keep it wet and let it stand in sky and never dropp at all but become a GOD to other raindrops as the raindrop slowly opens to reveal Heaven for the poorer raindrops they must hurry to be ready for the coming of the raindropp GOD. Singing now a new song Sticks and Stones won’t break my bones they only hurt the ones eye love. It must be hard to have so much love inside a GOD that it has to come out as blood upon a tree a cross of wood a love gone extremely out to death. All day long eye hear the words of unsaved people marring me they turn my ear into the headache tree a thing hanging on my ear for the worst of them to abuse with there stupidity and so for one long forever day eye would be an ear just an ear hanging there on outer place in space there is no atmosphere the words there do not penetrate and eye would throb the ear in space. Why not?



When in the course of human events we four underscore and ten the limited that eye am is them the worthless they become eye can make this another rude poem the girls are still and ever chattering all day they break all the rules of a quiet place and take the place of god and assemble words all wrong they sill them like water from a fountain not judging right from wrong but eye will ignore them and find something new to write eye just need a new idea how about this a misspelling a glitch iff ewe will of small proportions starting on the dollar side of the hill and rolling down picking up debris upon the ground until it’s a giant sized nemesis threatening the town it rolls it falls so far and then it stops it turns it sniffs the air behind it as iff its cold. Sill the word is sill perhaps the poet meant still perhaps he meant silly lettuce explore this possibility with love inside us. Spill is a verb like a word processed it has an action but no devices just an action to spill a mocking bird to spill the ocean into a jar to spill the coffee in the backseat of the car to spill the beans they adage and they spill the box of staples for the stapling gun they spill the paperclips not one by one but all of them at once so hard to find them all to pick them up not one by one but all of them at once. So now we try this They still them like water from a fountain eye suppose that this could work the water runs and then it pools and then it stops and then it stills. He leads me beside the sill waters. What works for one writer does not work for us all. Suppose the word was silly. Let us see. They silly them like water from a fountain have you never seen the people gather on a city street they stop and stare at the giant water fountain tiered then smile then laugh they say look at all the silly water, mon, non, eye can only remember when the beer truck wrecked in New Orleans and the beer ran in the ditch like water they said the people came from miles around to drink they looked like cattle at a pond. Now that was silly water. A poet reaches for ideas wherever he can find then that’s what makes a poetrypoem when in the course of human events

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


5salesman55salesman55salesman5MANSGOLY5salesman5 Mansgolys Folly was an ad campaign Manhattan would now never be the same he went to Google and to Yahoo to MSN and then to AIM he had his idea ingrained on the brain and it was in the presentation book for them to look with circles and arrows on the back of each picture explaining what each picture was to them. He never sounded lame but each time he left the steps got smaller in the hall. “Way to go Hayseed” as they smiled and laughed they tittered on they toe. One man in the AIM at AOL offices hurled a green banana at the back of the door he said “eat this old farther on your long way out.” He was making a word play on father and well you understand it rhymes with tartar sauce. The idea was simply this you make a universal email with at least a hundred messages in a row the whole first page is divided by a line with a button to the side for people who are lazy and have lots of unread messages. The whole block of messages has itself a button on the side prearranged to archive. When the emailer user private Joe gets his inbox full and he needs to read the messages more on the next page then this one (get the idea) he reaches with the mouse cursor and zaps the email deleter. The messages are foldered in the GMAIL (add your email here) Folder neatly archived and marked read or simply marked in red. What a strang idea they said. Yahoo was almost hooked the new look they said would be in beta. Then the man came to his senses. What udder nonsenses when a man gets email at yahoo there is only 25 to do he can mark them read or mark them unread and archive them and folder them too there is no good reason to make an archive button like this Good day to you sir see to it that you close that door softly my migraine is now killing me eye almost fell for your Adman story. Eye put a star on the web next to Mansgoly Folly. The Google girl was sorry. They did not like your story they said for you to leave on the next slow boat to China with Chinese bananas and with Chinese spiders and they were in there in the offices googling all over the floor it was so wonderful a thing to see you made my day in history we marked the calendar you see and nammed this day Mansgoly Folly Day. The Microsoft Representative was a little bit different he picked up the phone and reluctantly put it back down. They told me at the ad department you have been all over town. The lawyer will not touch the case he says you need to get a case of medical medicine and take a vacation from your delusions of grandeur and stop making email suggestions before the people get too rude. Then he did a little dance on the throw away rug called “BillyGates is not a monster.” Then he threw up his three martini lunch all over Mansgoly and his folder. Mansgolys Folly was an ad campaign



This is largely image nation stuffins my imagination grabbed a hold of something what iff a man was snapping his lapels and suspenders and holding up his pants and got to bragging about computor and the internet. At home is what he sayd At the house where eye do live the pop up ads are gone because eye paid to get the upgrade. Just now a student asked his next door neighbor which place to put his plug for his hearing attachment headphones. He was unsure just how to proceed it makes me shudder and to quake they knoe so very much but can't relate it to the real world today. He may be a Byzantine English Major in his function and he can tell you what happened in 345 b. c. beyond the door of time in history but then he can't relate to plugging in to the computor face. The bragging man is still speaking almost orating to the public eye listen inn most carefully he sayd when eye send them 40 p a month they cut off the pop up ads and they add a color picture to the top of green green grass. Eye had to laugh both at the child of man and old granddad eye live with pop upped ads and seldom do eye miss the tiny hole for plug my ear phones on eye like to listen to the clicks of mouse when roaming on the tome inline the web the ether la la land the big D the added bliss to everyman. Eye have a caht box in my gmail it's no secret but the person on the other end is remains anonymous but she knoes eye love her and that makes my day intact like glue holding me together again instead of whiskey beer and gin eye only need mye love. Eye ate some of this is no indication that it's any good at all iff your tummy is made of cast iron and your craw is full of lead be careful what you feed them when at home. It does not quite make it where it needs to be but that's what later fish is for. At least mye gentile reader ewe can plainly see the fish is no longer swimming in me the wash down is a coffee now or coke or just plain tea. My anatomy autonomy is safe for all our love. The central focus of this poets poem can easily be ascertained by everyman just go back to the beginning and read it to the end. Then go home and upgrade.



Once upon a time
Once upon a time there was a great devil with wings he was leather he was ancient like a hinted evil all in gold he manufactured things then called them presents to be given. They did pretty good in the bazaar behind the market. When he had a present left over he would rub it in taloned hand and laugh a long aweful laugh and say ON the morrow it will sell more golden coin we need in Arizona. He lived in a small tower near the city dump and every day he sold his presents just taking coins and piling them up until the tower itself was full of golden coins and hard to navigate the tower steps he sometimes just flew to the top ignoring birds that flew too near in jest they cawed like crows. The flapping of his wings sounded so fake like the sound a preacher makes when he has hollered too many times and talked way too much his throat gets kinda raspy he has no small trouble talking and it sounds like leather wings a flapping somewhere in Arizona. The tower was only twelve stories tall each story was only half a mile as the seventh story was the devils perch. He had computor fixed for voice commanding as he could never clutch the mouse with taloned hand he told computor what to do and whatever devil wanted devil got it the flashing screen was just a background seemed alive with numbers changing back then forth from 666 to 666 to 666 in different colors and then sizes. The outside of the tower was just sandstone dust always moving like a landslide up then down it gave one vertigo or nausea just to watch it the thing was not a dragon not a human caricature not even demon for it seemed to have some ears its face was blank like someone made an android and then forgot to make its face then added wings of leather to its carapace for bug or even alien thing it was at once repulsive yet alive and needing love like pets that people love then bury in the garden and they mourn them as if they were once human and then they grow up some more years and get busy with the life and they forget them they follow after devil and try to steal the golden coin the idiots run up to the tower to try to mount the steps the sides of the tower and they fall they have no coherent grasp upon the wall it moves and slides a dusty mess it cascades like a waterfall of dust to keep them out to hide the treasure for the devil of the tower light a computor made of stone blinking on and off with my namme upon the screen of golden coins piled high beside the flashing numerals of light the devil smiling as he watched the 666 keep changing in the night on one night in 2000 b. c. it stopped and no matter what the devil did it would not start until the midnight hour was then over and a new day had started some say it was the birth of Christ that done it. If you go into the city dump near Placerville and look out to the desert there you may see the tower window and the flashing numbers of computor but you will never steal the golden horded coin of devil there or climb the tower from the stair or scale the androids wall for you will fall once upon a time

2 CharlaXPoetry2

2 CharlaXPoetry2
Eye took turns with the missing link they once thought it was me the eye they locked me away from the sky but eye don’t cry and reach for the sky eye can take it or leave it passé eye do the elemental thing there was so many comic books and eye read them each day as iff it was the last installment the best ones were the off brand strangers something like bizzaro Superman. The story lines were not much but the drawings needing thoughts to make them into actions and imagination was the key when eye held the comic flat and stared hard at the page it looked like the bizzaro Superman was flying there to eye. Eye am gnawing at my hunger is present tensed eye am gnawing at my hungry is present particle eye am gnawing at some food is realism and art would be eye am gnawing at a fruit gone bad a yellow thing under a yellow sun that gives me super strength like Superman. Usually just a banana but applet will dew. There is no real way for anyone to live with kilter on the looser at an angle as it hangs a participle works. Eye have been places and seen many things there was a beggar with a sign you knoe the kind a cardboard sign that says something like WILL WORK FOR FOOD he was so drunk just before the sun set eye watched his knees buckle and down he went he was out like a fighter for the count he was down like ike or mike wait oh gentile reader ewe eye will go and get some background for this hobo on the ground. Down to earth. They used to say this as an adage it meant a good thing like he is a very nice person but taken out of context and applied to the one on the ground who did not die but managed to appear like he was dead it still meant down for the count. Hay mon did ewe see that bum boy was he out and rally down to earth he was down for the count rally down to earth. My people all around me used to say you have no visible means of support of course they meant a job not crutches. Once eye was leaning on a barb wire fence and the detractor man come by on the tractor anyway he said what are you doing there just holding up that fence? The most famous thing to eat eye ever found was that old half a turnip on the ground eye picked it up and chewed around the half that was not there the part that was missing the piece that was gone. It was the most wonderful thing in the world to eat at the time and the place it was manna in the wilderness. Eye once held a real job for one half of a day eye chipped the morter off of bricks eye filled three pallets up with bricks all cleaned of nasty yuck they wanted them to sell to rich folks to use to make a well who knoes perhaps they just wanted them to make a fireplace in the home or outside wishing well or Gnome a Gnome made out of bricks cleaned by number one now that would be a trick and rally down to earth and work for anyone.



read between the lines

Eye tried to find a theme rude is taken depression is exhausted
Addiction is the key to death a slow and painful existence
fortune is slim to none the faster eye dance the slower eye
culminating in disasters of all kinds the most important one
walk so eye decided to write another religious poem after all is
is realizing that the existing programs do not function for eye
said and done it's a red letter day. It is Peace day
meant like AA alcoholics anonymous is just a joke a Slim Jim
internationally. Give peace a chance. When ewe get in a hurry
departure from reality the distance of a waltz a dance a move
and do not concentrate a period takes the place of comma on
a place for bums to get a free cup of coffee on a Saturday nite
the page. Pat Paulsen was the most amusing and unassuming
They said to the eye do not come back you are just a poor
man he was perfect for the Presidency of hope eye still wish
homeless man what is wrong with drinking you should go
that he had become the one we needed to assume Peace.
out on the town and drink it seems you need it for you stink
Eye used to listen to Steppenwolfe just to have something to do on a Sunday mourning afternoon no sorrow was too hard on me to dissipate in the musick of this wonder dog group. Can it rally be that many years and fears ago the stuff is still there on the radio and you tube fare. Jesus said to seek the things that make for Peace and musick seems to be one of them. Eye am of the opinion that people need to learn to be quiet again and to have respect for others around them or at least to be aware that the universe does not revolve around them or hang on every word they speak an education and money paid cannot explain the rude. Eye do not have to meet with your approval or meet your standards to perform my heavy labors. Atlas CharlaX shrugged his shoulders and New Orleans hath disappeared along with many other cities of the rich and famous drunkards. The Monster slips a little more into the sea.