Friday, September 26, 2008



There is pollen on the bees knees.
Eye live in a desert places there is lots of brown olive trees in the vegetation there is also lots of bazaar things like almost anything you can imagine that a landscaper can buy and install they place the offerings in the soil and water them and watch them grow not understanding that if it stinks it may cause alergy to them to us to everyone. Perhaps they go to classes at the school and think that they are sick they sneeze and wheeze like much older people when they stink the smell is more than others of there kind can take it's just the landscape. Eye think that people have the problem and this poem is for them just be assured that sickness is much different then this alergy while not harmless is certainly not death and can be lived with. For myself my tooth is broken the pain so hard to describe try making fire appear on flesh that's close to what eye have add alergy to pain and when eye sneeze it falls like rain oh what can anyone do just to maintain the status quo oh woe is misery the answer suffering. The best thing eye have found is just to stay inside as much as possible and hide from all the pollen as it falls from trees so wide the alleyway is danger the hedge of my protection is the air vents in my manger. Take some medicine whatever meets your fancy and try to live with alergy don't cry just dry them eyes and be of understanding that your sickness is not deadly or disease of rampant quality but only temporary every day is hard. The best my sinus does is mud. Also bee aware that the skips and intermittent glitches on the internet they aer just accidents just imagine if someone in the admin had the power just to cause this would he not use one big zap and turn it off. "Quote: This has been a free unpaid personal announcement from poetrypoem (no endorsement accepted or applied) Ed.Note. See Alergy: endquote"

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