Tuesday, September 23, 2008



This is largely image nation stuffins my imagination grabbed a hold of something what iff a man was snapping his lapels and suspenders and holding up his pants and got to bragging about computor and the internet. At home is what he sayd At the house where eye do live the pop up ads are gone because eye paid to get the upgrade. Just now a student asked his next door neighbor which place to put his plug for his hearing attachment headphones. He was unsure just how to proceed it makes me shudder and to quake they knoe so very much but can't relate it to the real world today. He may be a Byzantine English Major in his function and he can tell you what happened in 345 b. c. beyond the door of time in history but then he can't relate to plugging in to the computor face. The bragging man is still speaking almost orating to the public eye listen inn most carefully he sayd when eye send them 40 p a month they cut off the pop up ads and they add a color picture to the top of green green grass. Eye had to laugh both at the child of man and old granddad eye live with pop upped ads and seldom do eye miss the tiny hole for plug my ear phones on eye like to listen to the clicks of mouse when roaming on the tome inline the web the ether la la land the big D the added bliss to everyman. Eye have a caht box in my gmail it's no secret but the person on the other end is remains anonymous but she knoes eye love her and that makes my day intact like glue holding me together again instead of whiskey beer and gin eye only need mye love. Eye ate some of this is no indication that it's any good at all iff your tummy is made of cast iron and your craw is full of lead be careful what you feed them when at home. It does not quite make it where it needs to be but that's what later fish is for. At least mye gentile reader ewe can plainly see the fish is no longer swimming in me the wash down is a coffee now or coke or just plain tea. My anatomy autonomy is safe for all our love. The central focus of this poets poem can easily be ascertained by everyman just go back to the beginning and read it to the end. Then go home and upgrade.

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