Sunday, October 5, 2008


ed.noted a paroday of student life not to be taken seriously
Eye worked an all nighter most of seven hours making my presentation and then my MASTER pooed at me and cancelled class what would you think of that the nerves is killing me I'm out of advil pills can't start the aspirins yet till tummy levels off eye have nothing for the pain and so eye die today in utter agony of defeat well he is just sitting there where would he go he has to be there real life comes first below the level of the snake down in that basement in his drag queen life. Eye am not a perfectionist eye do not study line upon line or verses upon verses to get the words correctly on the page eye write like a river flowing whatever comes out iff it don't work then eye fix it on the Johnny spot set up today eye hoist my own petard the ecards were marked read in haste of middle of the road at nite eye hurried threw them all wont she be so understandably impressed then eye got the replies that she had looked at cards in the middle of my day oh what to say panic had set up in me panic won the whole impressioned day today almost eye am prepared with mustard grass to defend myself from twenty paces with words. Attacked eye fling and toss the mustard grasses. He made it to lunch time and that means that several of them mare come up missing and presumed dead or at least challenged for pasture grass let them eat the mustard grasses. They stink they cheat the say show me your answer so eye can compare it to mine. So they can copy and paste it in the book the answer book look. There is younger groups of high school kids visiting the campus they aer making it seem like more people than actually arrive. This reminds me of the star trek convention they said Martians welcome come on inn. High five with only two fingers. They just said there is NO way we can remember all this information we need to copy it down and keep it somewhere for the test these are actually students at a university speaking. Yes they must be freshman. EYe did not want to be gay so eye could not talk on the telephone to have a job. DUDE eye will call yew iff eye fail it. Overheard snippet eye hope they both are very happy. Note cards (Cheat cards) prevail the day. Instant Karma eye heard one girl say she was suspended for two semesters. Some sort of RULE against cheating and she got caught go figure that one out. The notebook comes out of backpack the very important papers go in the notebook then the notebook goes back in the backpack the student is now become the smuggler the pirate he dances to his test to get his ace. Perhaps this is the day he is destined to get caught cheating on his Major. Do you think like is not important and it's okay to cheat because everybody does it would you want a Doctor to operate on you that never ever learned how but cheated on his finals. The whole day was a set up.

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