Thursday, October 9, 2008


Jesus of candlemas. He probably does not sanction contact sports there is seven deadly sins all of them are on the field and in the lockerrooms it’s true he does not like the false religions that can be the sanctioned ones like any of them saying namme then turning homeless away hungry today. Outwardly professing him but works of help are lost in lieu of funds. Iff eye had knoe before eye die what homeless was what eye must try the places that are left to me to sleep most dry the creatures that GOD made have better things to be in than my woes are not that many finding love has changed me she it is who loves me rules the candlemas. When the rights of the individual are superseded by the group then the group must back off and let the individual rule for in the endeavor to be a group of super individuals you are most vulnerable to the rights of others or you are lost. You are attempting the impossible to rule with force. Nothing could be farther from the truth force never rules nor is it the first resort but law. Law is the recourse the petition the written word not the sword a man who rules with law and word lives longer than a fop with a Chinese chinaberry in his glove. Wave your China berry tree at eye and try to rule with force surprise the ruler is the King of Hosts and Glory be the Jesus of the candlemas. When an Army Marches near a bog there is one old man near a burnt out log when the Army on the road is near the man hides the fire grabs his whiskey and his brine and hides the beer in fear he waits until the Army passes on the roadway then rekindles light and lets the warmth come back some call him coward he is not for he is smart. He rules the candlemas with head and heart. To quail all night is not his way he smooths the stone he found along the day the white rock looking underneath for namme the fight avoided nothing shamed no honor ever lost a fight no wonder ever started one. No terror rules the night at last the bog is house and hearth and home to him who hides the candlemas in stone. You do not even knoe just who eye am eye may be the liaison man the inbetween to the dean eye may be the ruler of this land a very important man but one thing is for certain eye knoe who you are not. Yu ju ju suit su. Yu si sinor sim sint. The French connectione the undercover cop the underpaid deliverer the most important mule. The candlemas rule.

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