Sunday, October 12, 2008


Scamming rhymes with spamming and the girl in the red dress is still sending them emails. This time they wanted us to find information on ourselves. It s a hoax. sent me an email this very day and told me they found some money my dead uncle forgot to drink. Whiskey was expansive in those days and he would not have had money left unless he quit which was not likely more likely they are spamming me or scanning me for scamming me. Why a writer in the grand scheme of things writes because the writer of the book never dies. He lives to write the number two the added sequels the next chapter the other verses the author is the creator or the god of lower case letters leaving trails inside the text like very snail slime all green and glowing in the night we follow thread after dreaded idea until we wind up lost dead stopped. It must mean something the reader gasps let me try again and so they go back to the top of the page and set the jaw and gnaw the tooth a little more and they read and try to make some sense they try to grab the nonsense that this eye has left and they cannot no they cannot grasp the fact that man has come today to author god. One drop in a bucket is a beginning a start. Two drops is wishfilled thinking. Wishful. Three drops is almost a cup iff the austere reader is pedantic franticly following along the dust is harsh on trailing. Four drops allow some breathing room. Five drops into a bucket are a little more than hope and holy sprinkles seldom use much more than four at the baptismal font. Six dropped into the bucket while eye was changing seats. Seven makes a wet spot. Eight fills a napkin and can swipe the edges of your make up. Nine drops of bucket water can ease the pain of a thorny spot. Ten drops of water in one spot are trying to make a pont. Here we stop eye could go on forever can ewe imagine this the reader has gone to sleep. Thirteen Thousand drops of water can make a puddled seldom in a bucket. Thirty Five Million drops can be called a small water pond. Sixtyfive Billion water droplets all in one place can be called a lake. !!!ONEHUNDEREDTHIRTEENZILLIONDROPS of water is the Ocean Frontted Arctic or Specific or the Indian or Atlantia. Atlantic. You can place a bucket near a cliff and catch the rain as it pours off a ledge of rock faced smooy dirty place. If you are lucky enough to be in the desert when it pours and find a bucket there in time. Place a wooden lid upon the bucket to keep the water from evaporating off. Drink some cold water when the days get hot. Then go to Tell them charlax sent ewe ewe can have my millions of credits there they keep adding up like raindrops there when a bucket of them come. True wealth is to be happy with thy health and love.

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