Monday, October 13, 2008


Eye have only been shott dead once.
Eye have only been shott dead once. Mickey Mouse is the one with the white gloves. When a man walks as if it is a woman preening looking like a primadonna reaching up behind her do and patting at the hair in place. Twinkle toe. Coke was real coke once it would eat a nail in two iff you left it over night in the summertime. Because he buttons up his coat the way he has been taught the way the father showed him how and when his mother tried to help it so confused the lad that he is worthless as a man. Ostracism rhymes with televangelism the worst example was the preacher that got all that money to stay on the air another ten days eye just wondered just now what did he do after that week. This will now be about Gene R. Cook, a Mormon of note we wonder a lot is this the one that we seek? Marriage is indeed a sacred trust and it is a lot more to it then making other creatures up. The Title should have been not seven p but seven pence a wicked fence will fall down quick for it is not maintained with love. The title up Thoughts from a segmented worm addressing the Mormon Church about marry or burn. Gesturing with the wrist extended a come hither look of parted lips with excitement looks fine upon a manikin poised to deliver oration but prose. You can not have me committed eye was free as a flounder out on bondo get out of jail free card. MY tooth is cracking and breaking eye feel like a dragon defeated in battle.

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