Saturday, October 25, 2008


The whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater

Revarant Titus Titwass
The title was misspelled he always gets it wrong he has not changed his sign outside since 1961 there is only thirteen members in the choir no one comes to church at all they all sing songs to Jesus then go home. He was using the Church Mac Comp in the inner sanctum office he likes to put a sheet up on the wall behind him and make shadow puttets with his thumbs YES he is the one that does that still and ever young in heart he loves to eat his oatmeal bland he thinks he is so smart. He was on the website of the company Whirly He was going to order the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater for the bathroom he was looking for the box to paste in the operational code and then he found the security cam area on the form. Thank God and Halleluiah he started typing the code in the slot. EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 he was giggling like a choir boy certain he got it in correctly when the instructions came up red light showing please do this in the security cam to get the new code then paste the NEW CODE in the slot. Under his breath he was muttering so now you tell me and why could you NOT tell me before now see eh? Like an old preacher man does. It came out like this EQZ290049389329847667484763843008 he erased the old code by backstabbing it then he entered the spy code in the slot. They matched. He began an email to the company. Please he typed Please send me a whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater at once to the Church of the Wilderness in South Franco. Near the homeless beach, There will not be much PIPE needed but consider this is a Church please do it for charity. The snow is only on the hillsides eye can place the pipes all the way to the Mediterranean see.
He sent this at once to the addressee There was quiet in the offices of the chairman of the bored in the office of they were dumbfounded. The officer and treasurer Romand Plence was speaking “ we aer in business to sell these things but we are also in the business of making money and we have to show a profit however eye can work it on the taxes as a charity blunder. Please remember what happened in Kansas City and he shuddered. If this preacher wants a whirlyfritzer how are we gonna refuse them it’s a Church for GODS SAKE, even eye believe in Jesus. “And so the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater was sent to the southern France. The bundle of PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M was small the Preacher got the airdrop for the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ just only once. The Blue and Purple Box was uncrated and attached to the AcmeLighteningRod@.T.M. The preacher worked alone even the Choir was sent home. He began the thing all wrong he taped over the hole of the second pipeline the one that released the steam he did not read the fine print or study the warranty warrenty at all. He laid ONE ROW of pipe all the way into the Mediterranean sea. He planned to start the box as operational on the next SUNDAY visit of the choir. To make it a surprise for them. But something happened on that Sunday mourning his fuse burnt out in the powerbox and he over slept by two hours. When he turned the box off and replaced the fuse he noticed the choir was leaving. Wait he cried everyone needs to see this and he got the brown substance out to open the onesided mechanism he juggled the stuff all about and everyone ralfed in the parking lot. OH preacher they cried is this necessary now.? We aer going to Pizza Planet now. One moment. He sighed and closed the box he smiled as he turned on the green light when nothing happened he joined the people of his choir in the parking lot just in time for at that moment the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater just exploded. It shattered the Choir practice area where everyone always sang songs. The preacher fainted the Choir got in the cars and left. He woke up and walked slowly to the box. The green light was still on. The warranty was gone. Not that he would ever want another one. He went back inside the office entering the blast area hole he found his cell phone and ordered a TemporayToiletBowl@T.M. from the first company on the list which happened to be Acme. Then he went up to the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater and turned the green light off.

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