Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Medical Dictionary: There is no Vindication. 43Vindication43
He said look at my history on the computer iff you do not believe me then go ahead and look and so they impounded his computer and took it to the looking place and spent hours combing websites and said Sir it seems there is NO entry for the time that they described and when the man was breathing again then they dropped the other sandle and they smiled there was entrys of pornography between one and three pm he frowned that is different somehow that’s not what eye wanted you to do you was supposed to vindicate me the eye and make the men fall into a swoon they need to fall into the ditch and find someother universe to live into. A Bogus accusation an entry to an earlier wave of web surf is not the way of the tao but yes eye do like to look some at whatsis and similes. Eye confess it eye am guilty of the eye for platents look so nice. A lot of old men play battlefield games they twist the screen around looking for victums making sure all the armies of the emeny is dead. And then they do a little victory dance and howl like women sewing clothes when laid end to end upon a cloud they only number twelve. Eye got accused of talking to myself eye was recording in my headset a tape on the main computer lieberry they accused me of lots of other things no one can even see my screen eye have the computer in the corner they were really reaching for the sky high hope on that one sure that they aer only guessing and eye am still sitting guess where eye am sitting right where eye was at. Failed in their endeavor to demean me failed in the effort to dislodge me eye aint ashamed of that. Justified by faith in GOD the Holy Ghost and Jesus Child and love for babay lamba eye am full of vindication pizza food sandwich banana cake no pie but lots of life indeed a little victory dance is due for when they haul me off for looking at the screen they will do one too.

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