Monday, October 13, 2008


It just came to me in a light flash bulb expanding illumination that talking is the thing we all so like to do and talking is such a problem for it seems that no one likes it when we do it and it seems that we can’t stand it when THEY do it and it seems that it is wrong when done in excess oh but don’t you dare limit me on minutes. Eye am not even talking about the cell phones. Listen there should be a rule to check them guns at the desk and get them back when ewe leave a public building. There is Doctors on call waiting for Surgery that only use a beeper they hurry to the cell phone to tell the Hospital they are hurry on the way. You must understand the eye no way is Math or Science that important now come on admit it you are not rally study with a group you are just using your phone while you are there with them. You are chattering away at 213 decibels cranking ear drums to the limit while the poor old men around you cannot hear themselves thinking. When someone gets irate with eye and they say boy you are talking too much or too myself eye say get a load of this headset eye am making a voice tape please do not bother me there is no rule against it if a student can rattle my teeth with her phone on vibrate and chattering amazingly like Marie on the Phone then leave me alone and let me operate the tape to make my email come alive without hate added to the mix is love for my date. Oh babay ewe eye say to the tape. When someone talks incessantly for several hours out loud and obnoxious there should be a way to stop it but no it’s not important unless it’s habitual defilement of my virgin ears. Eye can then and only then make my complaint and then eye can go to deaf school and learn the sign language there so eye can come here and listen to the voice tape on Braille. When the time is right to lobby in the lobby for the fight of the law against cell phones usage in the commons then eye am on your side count me in don’t count me down as long as a fighter can get up off the tarmac and go to his corner you will have to hit me again someday a little harder perhaps it will jostle my hearing organ and let me have my miracle then. Most but not all of them eye say some of them eye say a lot of the good ones do eye say many of the ones that seem like older ones do they get a cell phone call and politely stand up and take it in the hall. Or simply refuse to talk. It goes something like this. Eye am in the Lieberry just let me call you back. OR, it is like this one, Eye am in the Lieberry eye can not talk to you now let me go outside and turn me on again hit me with the redial in ten. IN a group of several THOUSAND people there is always at least several hundred abusers of the system. Eye love to hear with my super hearing. Please stop using your phones inside the buildings. When you have to study and speak to each other in small groups please try not to stutter and keep it to a minimum or if all else fails keep it to a dull roar. Talk do not yell do not whisper just talk. Whispering in a loud iss is worse than yelling and talking in a low monotone voice for several hours in a public place is like torture to one of my android race. This talking was fun.

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