Sunday, October 12, 2008


Subliminal messages was real and no urban made up legends. At the Movie inbetween the commercial messages there was ads placed to make people thirsty and hungry so they would buy more popcorn and soda alas poor ewe tis true. An android can read the ads eye used to see what KIND of candybar they was advertising and NO one around me could even see the ad. It is one of the perks of having this Red S on my chest. Jesus thoughts on Sunday a living GOD able to do all things he does not hate me but loves us eye and ewe. He suffered Death upon the Cross for all. There is lots of urban legends sightings of Elvis faces of Jesus in toasts. Eye myself see lots of crosses when eye walk. This was in my idea folder in my notes at make something religious about the cross and the crown of thorns
concentrate on Jesus and not the problems in the world how some of us seem to suffer too much and others hate and hard to find the love in ewe outside the soldiers were intent on mocking him a king and a ruler they could not see so they plated a crown of misery from a row of thorns on a rocky tree they twisted it onto his brow his head was so hurt that they smiled hurry now and try to disavow your actions. Perhaps Private Hice could be captured they would do the same thing to him a crown of thorny application. There was a payday candy bar hidden on the movie screen flashing words above it and below it buy me eat me buy me eat me. So you want to go to Heaven but you do not want to see me there what place did you think it was made of the place of refuge but copper clouds miles long with all sorts of ice creams eye eat all day long and confectioners love. Limping on my broken bones of love eye walk carefully not even worry for my shoe as a steel toe boot continues foot, surprised eye rise when eye am faltered and continue praise of dearth, upon the morrow anon until much later in the sun for day of time and solstice has no meaning now whither tis midnite or noon is all one. Shadows chase other shadows even in the midday sun there is mad dogs and Englishmen in the noonday sun. Napoleon in facts thought he was creating lives and etching souls in glass when he brought out his hand from inside his vest he was holding his windlass. He brought up his spyglass and peeked at the killing. The death of the Heathen was frozen there in kaleidoscope fashion etched there like a Disney Movie creeping across the screen when it’s slow like the pirates pendance the shelling of holds and the aweful romance of the swashbucklers they prance and they moan and they sing of bad rum time after time always the ship sinks the men swim like rats those are the rats the ship sunk. The crown of life is laid up for eye said the namme of the God three. Three it says agree in one. Father and Son the Spirit makes three. God in one person the Christ is in me. God is the Jesus both dead crucified. Giving us life from the fact that he died. Iced cake and blueberry cheese long drinks of Whiskey flavored milk. There is a long line of people waiting to visit me perhaps eye will shake hands with them all inside a day long in a thousand years long bring me no flowers after eye am dead but bring me a poem one by one to be read there in Heaven inside the Pearl Gate near the place of my birth and the place of our youth and the place we will live when we die. The grass is not cluttered with stickerings. NO avarice but love in this place lingering. Life.

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