Monday, October 27, 2008


This is from the desk of the President Thommas Whirly of the Bored of Directors of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company in the cooperate offices in New York City funded by the government of Ukranium near the office of the Treasurer Romand Plence-
ATTN: ALL: WE have had two major setbacks in function of our unit. Stop. Kansas City. Stop. The Church of the Homeless in the South of France was worse. Stop. Please screen all inquires of our product we need no further setbacks. The tax item is not allowed. The Church was not recognized as a true charity function. We are not in Kansas anymore TOTO. There will be no further sales without adequate pipe sold. In the event of a Major sale there will be a lawn partee afterword eye have hired several dancing girls from Tucson, Az. To entertain us after all we are all men in this company though it is highly unlikely it will happen. Stop. We are working in the red gentlemen until further notices. Stop.
The Offices of Mad Magazine were located on 23 23rd Street behind the Bicycle shop on 2nd Street and near the Roller Derby Headquarters on 1st Street in Upper Manhattan Drive. They were looking at the ad for the whirlyfritzer when Bill Gaines started typing in the instructional code in the spy cam. EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 he was typing each letter one at a time per written instructions. It came out like this QZE290042984793893638476430087771333654 always a differant random patteran The President of Mad Magazine Mr. William Gaines typed the instructional code back into the spy cam and it matched. The entire staff of Mad Magazine gave a small cheer. "What me worry" . It sounded odd in the new offices. Immediately almost the email was flagged as spam and a flag was added with a zero tolerance red line indicator attached. Retype the address. A sigh of relief from big Willy. They tought we was located on 2323 Hudson. That’s the looney bin. He ordered a whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater for the home offices. The email okayed it and Alfred E. Neuman grinned and said eye am glad we did not have to use the phone to settle this. They had to order THERAMP@T.M. from Florida, to get PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M layed out to the Harbor. To get to the harbor they had to spend a little over thirtyfive bullions. The PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M was meant to finish up in Upper New York Harbor the outlet near the Statue of Liberty the staff was joking now about laying all the GOLD bar ingots only silver in they color near the Lady Liberty. The staff of WhirlyfritzerZappersunlimited.ORG had a big party with dancing girls invited from the Arizona Tucson. They were nice school girls come up from collage. The names are sealed in a hermetically sealed mayonnaise jar on Funky Wagons Porch. Ed.Note. Al Feldstein called for three more airdrops of Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ pf pipeglue they added more PIPE.T.M. It was almost finished at the cost of Thirty more bullion dollars and no sense to make of this. The Acme.T.M.@LighteneingRod was ready for the grounded wire from the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater to be attached. Alfred E. Neuman went out on a limb to make it work but it was AL Jaffe that actually attached the wire to the electrodes. The PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M twisted and turned upon the ramp in every direction but finally reached the Harbor. The extra thirteen thousand p was for the PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M to reach the Lady Liberty. Sam Viviano's phone was buzzing MADly. Ed.note could not resist this one eye been try to do something like this since eye was 14 years old. End ed.note. He went out to the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater and turned the green light on. Within a space of fourteen days the harbor was polluted the silver bars created a haze but no one even noticed. The offices of Zappersunlimited had a great big wonderful partee. There was three dancing girls there from Arizona. The Treasurers ledger of Romand Plence had a new entry the next day all it said was "Justified". In Black Inked lines and Fiftyfive dollar signs.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


The whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater

Revarant Titus Titwass
The title was misspelled he always gets it wrong he has not changed his sign outside since 1961 there is only thirteen members in the choir no one comes to church at all they all sing songs to Jesus then go home. He was using the Church Mac Comp in the inner sanctum office he likes to put a sheet up on the wall behind him and make shadow puttets with his thumbs YES he is the one that does that still and ever young in heart he loves to eat his oatmeal bland he thinks he is so smart. He was on the website of the company Whirly He was going to order the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater for the bathroom he was looking for the box to paste in the operational code and then he found the security cam area on the form. Thank God and Halleluiah he started typing the code in the slot. EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 he was giggling like a choir boy certain he got it in correctly when the instructions came up red light showing please do this in the security cam to get the new code then paste the NEW CODE in the slot. Under his breath he was muttering so now you tell me and why could you NOT tell me before now see eh? Like an old preacher man does. It came out like this EQZ290049389329847667484763843008 he erased the old code by backstabbing it then he entered the spy code in the slot. They matched. He began an email to the company. Please he typed Please send me a whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater at once to the Church of the Wilderness in South Franco. Near the homeless beach, There will not be much PIPE needed but consider this is a Church please do it for charity. The snow is only on the hillsides eye can place the pipes all the way to the Mediterranean see.
He sent this at once to the addressee There was quiet in the offices of the chairman of the bored in the office of they were dumbfounded. The officer and treasurer Romand Plence was speaking “ we aer in business to sell these things but we are also in the business of making money and we have to show a profit however eye can work it on the taxes as a charity blunder. Please remember what happened in Kansas City and he shuddered. If this preacher wants a whirlyfritzer how are we gonna refuse them it’s a Church for GODS SAKE, even eye believe in Jesus. “And so the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater was sent to the southern France. The bundle of PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M was small the Preacher got the airdrop for the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ just only once. The Blue and Purple Box was uncrated and attached to the AcmeLighteningRod@.T.M. The preacher worked alone even the Choir was sent home. He began the thing all wrong he taped over the hole of the second pipeline the one that released the steam he did not read the fine print or study the warranty warrenty at all. He laid ONE ROW of pipe all the way into the Mediterranean sea. He planned to start the box as operational on the next SUNDAY visit of the choir. To make it a surprise for them. But something happened on that Sunday mourning his fuse burnt out in the powerbox and he over slept by two hours. When he turned the box off and replaced the fuse he noticed the choir was leaving. Wait he cried everyone needs to see this and he got the brown substance out to open the onesided mechanism he juggled the stuff all about and everyone ralfed in the parking lot. OH preacher they cried is this necessary now.? We aer going to Pizza Planet now. One moment. He sighed and closed the box he smiled as he turned on the green light when nothing happened he joined the people of his choir in the parking lot just in time for at that moment the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater just exploded. It shattered the Choir practice area where everyone always sang songs. The preacher fainted the Choir got in the cars and left. He woke up and walked slowly to the box. The green light was still on. The warranty was gone. Not that he would ever want another one. He went back inside the office entering the blast area hole he found his cell phone and ordered a TemporayToiletBowl@T.M. from the first company on the list which happened to be Acme. Then he went up to the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater and turned the green light off.

Friday, October 24, 2008


For Kansas City
For Kansas City
For Kansas City
For Kansas City
There are many mainstream homespun people in the heartland that do have new computers they place them on top of the TV and tune the sports on. This is just one of those stories of the yellow brick road. Joames Branch has a ranch near the farm of the combine. His wife placed the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater advertisement next to his coffee cup. His eyes lit up. He did not read the fine print who ever does his hand was on the cell phone and he was superdialing the combine. Here is his conversation of unlimited minutes. Eye want to talk to the combine leader Jim. Eye need a permission to access the pond at the end of my drive the fence is the problem eye decided to install some new sump pump in my yard and want to run this new PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M out to the pond. Oh good no problem. They gave him immediate permission. He began plans to install the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater. He unhooked the computer from the TV and started typing the operational code EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 when it was done he entered it at the website spycam it came out like this ERT1333654778700346784923932983900492 he painstakingly typed in each letter to get started on this job of ordering the PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M at
“Whirly” he immediately got a confermation email to his webaddress
This is what the email said PIPE.T.M. Friday, October 24, 2008 6:21 PM
From: To:
you have not ordered enough PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M we aer considering cancelling your order please reply asap

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

you have not ordered enough PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M=A0we aer considering cancell=
ing your order please reply asap=20
Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1252
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable The reply was good and to the point.
PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M later
Friday, October 24, 2008 6:30 PM

PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M is initially needed to get to the next door property eye am building a gate in the fence eye plan on ordering more pipe then to get to the water later BBB
The whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater operational staff held a quick AM meeting and decided to let the man have his initial order of PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M and added a note to the file but when the secretary attached the note the main computor went down and no one realized the file and folder was deleted. There was now no record of the meeting or the order. That is how things happen in the real world. When the order came by Parcel Post the truck was leaving almost as soon as it dumped all the pipe there was the CobaltBlueT.M. @ box next to the small piles of pipes. A Postal Worker jeep pulled up with a notebook for BBB to sign, he signed it quickly frowning at the 335p for the total was not much but eye used to use real money he said. He installed the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater and added all the pipes they indeed reached to the gate he flung the gate open and reordered the pipe again. The initial order was ignored they sent the PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M and airdropped the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ it happened fast as iff he was an important customer with a reorder to fill, He laid the last pieces of pipe in the double row and went to the yard too turn on the CobaltBlueT.M. @ box. He went inside to get the brown substance to fill the first silver bar he opened the one sided access panel and carefully poured in the brown substance with water added he was careful to prime the steam pipe as per instructions. However he failed to understand that the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M would not work in the pond but only in the Sea or Ocean nearest his home. He turned on the green light but nothing happened. He was about to flip the light off again when the POND exploded wiping off the combine offices next door from the face of this earth. Have a good homecoming football weekend everyone and don’t worry the place was closed for the Holiday no one was in the offices no one was hurt in the making of this story.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


We met at the end of time Only time will tell OR no ramp for Glendale. The girl was younger than the man it was a December romance. They met in Arizona but neither of them hail from. Both came from similar places One was from an eastern middle village the one called Morristown the elder statesman the Arkansan was from Morriltoon an obscure village of the southern state of indiscretion he has never learned real fear or to keep his mouth shut. He fights a never ending battle daily with injustices. The large triangular S upon his Chest means Justice. There are too many people ici who use fear as a real weapon let us depart from it and be friends. The Nearest Ocean or Sea bed floors is down in the Bahamas no wait eye guess the Gulf is quicker and closer. The Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater was not designed for weak and drizzly climes but can withstand the rigors of the desert oasis. PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M was layed from Glendale eye had to start from THERAMP@T.M. and work out to Nogales to get a start at the Mexican terrain. TO have a chance to actually penetrate the Peninsula of Baja. PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M was needed in Glendale to keep the populace happy they did not want such a massive undertaking in the city properly elevated it was out of the way of all the gardens makers. To raise the estimation of my peers. To make the American Dream come true why every homeowner between Mexiaco and Canada wants a whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater in time for Christmas Tree Time. Father Time and baby and all of that. She started her THERAMP@T.M. Near Interstate 10. And that’s when eye decided to scheme and plan to place first in the race is okay if you intend to lose the human one eye want to win. The one for the School Flag. Eye planned on intersecting her PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M at the intersection of Glom and Domb between the hours of *8 and 12* noon on the Fifth of November iff eye remember it’s a Mesican Celebration. The Chinese New Year or Leap Frog day eye will get it trust the eye in Nogales on the way to the Gulf Stream of Mexicali. Eye could have left it all too chance but then where is the fun in that eye have millions of the clams that was needed to fund PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M. Eye checked the funding once more and reordered the Air dropps both of them hers was first as mine was closer on the way down there eye had them post date the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater to arrive back at the starting point in Glendale just one. YOU got the idea now only one of those silver ingot pushers was needed for my idea was this we could combine both pipes to make four rows of pipes to end at the Ocean Floor in this case the Gulf of Mexico so eye decided to marry her to keep the cost down to both of us. Eye quickly unpacked my laptop off of the camel’s back and sent an email to the company Whirly the subject line said simply more p please more PIPE.T.M. This is the actual true email sent today --0-1268521770-1224790441=:46200 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Gentleman and lady: please redesign your pipe PIPE.T.M. to make two crosses so eye can add the pipe from her to mine. Add an additional two air dropps of Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ pf pipeglue. The fourth day of november please and eye am cutting it close. --0-1268521770-1224790441=:46200 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Please do not email this company this is a parody not to be taken seriously eye am not proposing marriage on the 5 November day but kiss eye will ask her for a birthday kiss.
The whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater
We met at the end of time Only time will tell OR no ramp for Glendale. The girl was younger than the man it was a December romance. They met in Arizona but neither of them hail from. Both came from similar places One was from an eastern middle village the one called Morristown the elder statesman the Arkansan was from Morriltoon an obscure village of the southern state of indiscretion he has never learned real fear or to keep his mouth shut. He fights a never ending battle daily with injustices. The large triangular S upon his Chest means Justice. There are too many people ici who use fear as a real weapon let us depart from it and be friends. The Nearest Ocean or Sea bed floors is down in the Bahamas no wait eye guess the Gulf is quicker and closer. The Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater was not designed for weak and drizzly climes but can withstand the rigors of the desert oasis. PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M was layed from Glendale eye had to start from THERAMP@T.M. and work out to Nogales to get a start at the Mexican terrain. TO have a chance to actually penetrate the Peninsula of Baja. PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M was needed in Glendale to keep the populace happy they did not want such a massive undertaking in the city properly elevated it was out of the way of all the gardens makers. To raise the estimation of my peers. To make the American Dream come true why every homeowner between Mexiaco and Canada wants a whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater in time for Christmas Tree Time. Father Time and baby and all of that. She started her THERAMP@T.M. Near Interstate 10. And that’s when eye decided to scheme and plan to place first in the race is okay if you intend to lose the human one eye want to win. The one for the School Flag. Eye planned on intersecting her PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M at the intersection of Glom and Domb between the hours of *8 and 12* noon on the Fifth of November iff eye remember it’s a Mesican Celebration. The Chinese New Year or Leap Frog day eye will get it trust the eye in Nogales on the way to the Gulf Stream of Mexicali. Eye could have left it all too chance but then where is the fun in that eye have millions of the clams that was needed to fund PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M. Eye checked the funding once more and reordered the Air dropps both of them hers was first as mine was closer on the way down there eye had them post date the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater to arrive back at the starting point in Glendale just one. YOU got the idea now only one of those silver ingot pushers was needed for my idea was this we could combine both pipes to make four rows of pipes to end at the Ocean Floor in this case the Gulf of Mexico so eye decided to marry her to keep the cost down to both of us. Eye quickly unpacked my laptop off of the camel’s back and sent an email to the company Whirly the subject line said simply more p please more PIPE.T.M. This is the actual true email sent today --0-1268521770-1224790441=:46200
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Gentleman and lady: please redesign your pipe PIPE.T.M. to make two crosses so eye can add the pipe from her to mine. Add an additional two air dropps of Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ pf pipeglue. The fourth day of november please and eye am cutting it close.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Please do not email this company this is a parody not to be taken seriously eye am not proposing marriage on the 5 November day but kiss eye will ask her for a birthday kiss.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008



November 5, 1989


November 5, 1989

Eye wanted to act the clown she says “you are funny” and she is so nice and so cute it’s not funny eye want to say to her you are a girl still a little girl but now eye cannot say it for eye have looked on beauty and eye am not afraid of love but oh the virtue of a Saint makes friendship just enought the awesome way she seems to be adult inside her love she wraps the world around her it cannot ever hurt her and so eye pray a happy Birthday just for her the one that’s coming will soon be the one that turns her near me for she has invited me to be the birthday boy a plan to make me bachelor no more and now I’m teasing just to make this poem up some more and make it longer and more influential in her special way she has of thinking of me. She makes me smile inside. She makes a nothing day become the special Wednesday love. She never has to come to offer self above the test that GOD has seen fit to give to her. She fulfills the law of love one another. The conflict comes to human nature the father son relationship deep inside of me is torn. Not yet asunder as eye labor with a bit more favor toward the other sex. For in this birthday person eye have seen a wonder happen eye have seen the love of Jesus in another place. This is your Birthday poem Happy Birthday to you Kristen.

November 5, 1989

November 5, 1989


For Manchester, England.
A Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater
For Manchester, England.
For Manchester, England.
Wednesday October Tenth eye copied the instructional code quickly and entered it at the site EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 twice in my haste eye boned it the first time “Whirly” they said to enter the code AGAIN this time it worked it changed into this on the security web cam ELO32984738476430087771333654290049389 eye reinterred it once more in the slot provided. There was a red flag on the return email they said was eye very rich and famous.? How rich are you is it Bullions? Eye laughed for eye am the Frenchmon Gendoudh. Eye answered the querry immediately and they assured me my credit profile qualified. The Legal department was worried that eye was gonna dig up the London Tower or sompthing in my haste to get the pipe PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M laid to the Specific Ocean floor that’s the North Sea Mate. Eye planned on placing the pipe into the English Channel just on the other side of London near Tilbury was my outlet pipe. It was mostly being fought in the outlaying areas they were worse than the populated cities. They at least took payments seriously eye was having problems with one old dirt farmer named Mgillicutty. We were looking into a company located in Florida that makes ramps. Floatsom and Jetsome Industries was into the placement of overhead pipe. THERAMP@T.M. was the ticket just the thing. He (Mgillicutty) had no real objection after that as long as his sheep could dipp. River inlet Irwell proved to be a better alternative eye left the THERAMP@T.M. in place but no pipe would ever get there the sheep loved there new roof when it rained in the moors they came bleating from farms near and far to afford shelter there. Eye paid the city planners almost Thirteen Bullions to get the pipe into the River after that we paid only for the remaining installations. Manchester council leader Sir Richard Leese said: "The proposals for Irwell City Park are ambitious and imaginative in their scope but they are entirely deliverable we welcome the pipe as it travels below the city to the North Sea Floor. The General Post rang up there is a box all in Cobalt Blue for you Gendoudh. We shall send it round by way of special delivery. When they arrived eye carried the box to the yard and dropped the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater into the hole the workers were nerves and gaping at me for they had never seem a rich French android before ever doing an work for itself. They quickly hooked up the box the green light was winking for the pipe was not yet to the outlet. There was still one last thing to be done. We had to get threw the Mersey Basin to get to the River Thames it may seem a roundabout way to you but remember we dug up land too. Iff the water was not in a straight line eye could afford a land over route the various companies of men that eye dealt with would always remember Gendoudh’s famous whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater PIPE.T.M. and the comical airdrops of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ pf pipeglue. When the men neared the London Tower area eye made a rare appearance there. They said you will save money by rerouting here and bypassing Tilbury no need to go there surely??? The man was fishing in the wrong country for eye am a Frenchmon first. Eye blanched a differant color an android is capable of many things as eye cleared my throat there was no further need to speak for he was a good minion after all and he finished the plans to include the outlet pipes at Tilbury after all an android speaks in those hushed monotone voices better to get it right the first time see eh? Eye always say. On the return trip home eye was struck at the view of the Lieberry for it was near my home by aerial view if not mileage actual. Eye stopped only once in the yard to turn on the green light and pour in the first silver bar the brown substance into the one sided slot and closed the access panel door and smiled.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Fifty Poems of Charlax Poet Dickinson Fifty
Emily was wise penny foolish rich in thoughts and poems added up she kept them in her coffee cup not letting any out to grounds to walk around to let the gentile reader see the history must be confused she only wrote just twenty two the rest were edited and fashioned by the inlaws to make money on the remains of the poems of poor Emily. Eye almost called her (Email)ly. Be glad that eye evolved in poetry. It does not say she ever hit her head but people did it does not say that she was over religious or simple in the way that people have to mean the mental. It simply states in History she wore a lot of White clothing and slept in a day bed avoiding. Most if her correspondence was just letters back and forth to lover. OH please of course he was there somewhere. There had to be a man to make her dimple and to frow. She must have had an android creature like the Charlax on the morrow sending her his promises in the hope to ease her sicknesses. She must have hit her head to write so clear for only abuse can open up the firmest perch for words. Perhaps poor Emily had a favorite tree she swung up to high to see and fell headlong in the brambles bushes hedged along the pathway and told no one but began to write most notably with a foresight of the hurt and vengeful taker added to her snail mail lover no one seems to care or talk about but just because the History is bare of fact does not mean he wasn’t there. It may seem sad to you to reminince like this a poet gone while this one comes to understand her lot in History a poor accidental prone abused brain set free too roam the rhyme the reason being love and gravity. For when she picked herself up from the bramble bushes the thorns were all white and clashed with her britches and so she decided right there and then to always wear white to never wear skirts of the night in her favorite place to climb to high but white slacks and smart shirts all white. To correspond with her Charles. To write. To write simply poetry in the White uniform of her night for her lover and LORD and mye poorer Emily.


Tanka 5 7 5 7 7
Try An Gel Light Beams
Supersonic Craft A bove
Alien Life Form ed
An droid Con trol Pilot Sun
Picking Up Speed Star Fly Up

Monday, October 20, 2008


A whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater
LOVE is a four letter word. Some of the subliminities is in the parfume. Some women never get it write overkill in fright but the odor of a babay lambea is too sweet. A man is lost in otherworldly anticipation waiting for his love to turn the other cheek. Sniff. EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 eye typed the code in the slot indicated at “Whirly” when eye refreshed the code on the spy cam it looked like this ZEL290049389329847638476430087771333654 so eye retyped it in the slot and sent it to the company eye wanted this whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater very much, eye am a homeowner near the Ocean Bay in Florida semi retired eye can make this green lighted albatross sing as it works with buying very little pipe. They sent me a confermation code the thing was coming to the door it was coming COD not UPS. Postal Workers were carrying my purple Cobalt Blue case. They emailed me a copy of the warrenty warranty. Reader see 47Warrentywarranty47 for more detailed look at warrantee holder took. Eye raced outside and gathered up mye tools the day was cloudy a good day for digging a pipeline eye lay my back into it and try to have some fun the first section of the sand was done when eye heard the door buzzed. There was a square box almost a rectangle but still square one side was cobalt blue the other almost a pinkish purple there was a pipe elbow up from one side a ground wire stud upon the other eye almost cried the price was only 5p. Eye paid at once and opened the instruction manual. It was sparsely written Open the one-sided mechanism insert PRODUCT brown in color close the catche lid down make sure the green light is operational and the pipe is ending on the Ocean Floor. There is only a ground wire to connect to ground pipe in the event of an electrical storm this whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater is not electric in nature but powered by the CobaltBlueT.M.@ inside the line. Just then the delivery truck arrived eye had three tenths of a mile of PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M at 45p per length. Eye wrote the check and smiled and carried the box out to the yard and began to install the wonderful thing in my ground. The pipe for the ground wire was already attached to the Acme.T.M.@LighteneingRod it ran from the box to the wall a distance of about 25 feet. The hole for the square rectangular box was soon dug out from the grass that eye was sure would soon die the grass was gonna die all over the yard oh god what have eye done. It was worth it eye kept reassuring myself to get the silver bars to the ocean floor. And then it came by Heliocoptor Air Dropp the thing was attached to a small parachute it was so cute the way it almost landed on mye head. It was a small can of Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ pf pipeglue. Eye expected the stuff inside to be blue or even purple like the hardware places have butt no the stuff was milkywhite for all the world the consistency and color of Elmers@Glueall. Eye glued the first two sections of pipe thet ran out from the box wide in two separate rows my work was now doubled they said one pipe was for the gold bar ingots only silver in they color and the other was for steam produced from water added with the product??? Eye went inside to order more pipe@T.M. and to Air Dropp another canister of glue. That Heliocopter dropp was expansive not inexpensive. When eye got the pipe layed almost to the Ocean Bay the Sherriff met me he was wearing his six shooters on both hips and he had a Dell Word Document in his hand. A Writ of Habeas Corpus Delectie and he laughed that Southern laught thing they do. He said you cannot dig the beachfront up the STATE has decreed a non spatial place herein this document to mean therein the sand. He was rally smiling big when he said most all of this. Eye frowned how will eye got around the document you ask. The Sheriff was also an architect and he had a copy of THERAMP@T.M.
We at Floatsom and Jetsome Industries want to sell you this affordable ramp to run your pipes out to the Ocean Floor you need not disturb the beachfront sand. How much eye cried my checkbook was already in my hand it was superglued there when eye made the last pipes stand. How many p said eye. Its only 1000p the Sheriff grinned and you gotta do it cause I’m the man. Sadly eye walked back inside the house but first eye stopped at the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater box and turned the green light off. So sad to come that close to a porcelain dream gone mad. Eye raced inside to turn the sewer line power and water to the toilets back on all my hopes for the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater gone. Sniff. Love is a four letter word the schemes of mortal man they come and then they go.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


“Our Motto”
Men need and want “Things” that GOD simply does not want us too have them. Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater is herein this worddocument expressly implied as a lifetime warranty warrenty that is extended TO THE UNIT ONLY not the pipe@T.M. each item sold separately. We here at Whirly simply do not have the time to SERVICE all your pipes for free and we never implied that we would ever do that you see. Iff the pipes are glued and installed properly Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ you may use any type pf pipe glue that you want too as this does not effect or affect this warrenty warranty per se. You will find that you have no need of maintenance on the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater itself we only replace the entire unit due to the green light failure. No other warrenty warranty is expressly implied. “in the event of a catastrophe~ just buy another length of pipe empty the main frame BOX turn the green light off before you leap in the boat in your scuba gear swim past the shark reef attache~ the NEW SECTION OF pipe we make a suggestion herewith and into the proper glue to be used is our brand. Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ each item sold separately and more and more expensively it costs a homeowner very little to maintain the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater initial funding is never returned never so do not ask us that there is no contact us we stand on our soap box warrenty warranty. Warranty noun (pl. warranties) 1 a written guarantee promising to repair or replace Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater if necessary within a specified period. 2 an engagement by an insured party that certain statements are true or that certain conditions shall be fulfilled must be a dead green light.
a recipient of a warranty issued by Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater
a customer to whom a warranty is given
a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications i.e. Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater
Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater disclaimer: we ONLY replace the UNIT only. After all the PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M is GOLD solid sold each and every new day we are rich anyway. When installing the pipe please dig responsibly the only “rule” we have is for the last segment of the pipe to reach the Ocean Floor or the Sea nearest your home. No other body of water is acceptable use or will accept your waste. DO not try to run your pipe out to your septic tank in “YOURTOWN”it simply will not work. The centrifugal force of the CobaltBlueT.M. @ in the line will blow the concrete top off your septic tank actually with enought force to level the Court House nearest you.


A whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater is the sewage processor to end the use of sump pumps and side bar containers septic tanks composters and compactors tomb like structures that must be dug by contractors and proper city codes. The items to be processed can include water waste however this is turned to steam and let escape by the processor. Waste water is not reused. However it seems some of you are trying to reuse the steam but listen it will not work the pressure will build up against the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater and explode not killing anyone but ruining the landscaping in the yard and making a great giant hole in the yard about a half mail long the security features will not allow the blast to back up against the house but pass into and out of quickly the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater in the direction indicated on the mode. There is not much more to it than that. The whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater has been sold only in Antville Antarctica until now it is being release to the knoen world. The indicator light is green. There is no red light when the indicator light is green the thing works when it is not lighted or off there is no indication of the problem. We placed an ad in Better Homes and Gardens. There is a picture there with the circles and arrows on the back of each one to explain what each one was. The whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater tube line is shown running from the yard out into the ground and on into the sea or Ocean floor depending where you live when you install. The whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater zapz the waste with cobalt force making the waste cubes look like small rocket shapes inside the tube line they move along the line with centrifugal force they pass out of the tube into the Ocean depths and there they limply lie until the end of time nothing further needed no addons expressed or implied nothing further ever to buy. The cobalt blue force acts against the brown colors of the waste substances and the finished products look like long fat silver bars in the shape of Gold bars but of a different color. The whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater is only 5p the pipe is 45p each section depending on where you live the thing can cost a lot of money we do not let anyone have the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater without the pipe each item sold separately. No more leaky storage no more irradiated gardens with over size onions the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater is installed to last forever longer than your house will. We are funded by the government of Ukranium. Go now to and log on with this operational code EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 do not copy and past this code it must be typed then refresh the code on the spy cam to make it different then send it to us with your credit limit. Then be prepared to pay us more than you are paying for your children’s educations. There is no handle crank or flush the box is simple just open the enter unfold the onesided mechanism pour the waste into the slot close the box and turn the green button on. The whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater does all the rest alone it stands the test of time your waste is on its way to the ocean floor or sea slime area near your area. Our Motto: No Septic Tanks in YourTown. We are currently found Only on the World Wide Web. DO not bother looking near the bottom of the page there is no contact us. We are so certain of our product lasting you we only have a one way box to Post Office where we reap the payments due. Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater comes with a one lifetime only guarantee warranty by our only company we do not make the Bycicles or the ice cream too.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Iff ewe suddently saw mee the eye making his way slowly to the door and you house was there inside the room you said that eye could have iff life is only ewe, would you still want to kiss mye hands and bring me inn to stay with ewe would we make a picnic in the grass down by the creek without the ants let them eat cake would you still want me lover ewe to make the journey even in mye old age when the trip is arduous and the life is spent anticipating love do you still want me then when it will be in your best interest to default and live. When eye say a thing eye meant it when eye say eye love ewe its forever there. My time is spent in worry try to please her here.
Memory is strang access is not limited to brain case can think outside the box er skull maintain some sort of dignity eye saw a young girl just now her face reminds me of someone in my past erased by aeons of time passing at first eye thought it was from short term past ago but no the girl was from my child. Suddenly eye remembered a long unleaded thing. A poor city girl remembered from my youth a poser do not touch her just look she liked for me to look but eye could never touch her.
Such a wonderful girl she does not remember trespasses and add them up to totals of a grudge but she forgets the ignorant eye does. Eye saw the falcon hawk this day he was on the hunt a long way away but eye cannot miss the colors of the tail feathers and the way he glides in the sky just moving without power of any kind just sort of circling in the air even riding the streams of jetted air he slips up some then left then right then back down again to spy his dinner and his lunch he had no time for greetings he is a survivor. Eye have found the secret of mye love inside mye heart it’s WANT for ewe to come eye never loved no one not even Mother more. Please never think to leave me for the pain twold be too much for a heart now filled with mercy of a lover touch. Eye suppose eye could turn to beauty iff she’d have mee eye could love a younger lass but nothing is so farther from my thoughts or acts. Eye pursue the only beautiful the only lover the only love the ewe. The day will soon be over and my heart will yearn tonite upon my hill for the next time that we can speak together roughly in the hurried way we have and iff eye miss ewe more than one day it causes illness to arrive a thing of dread to haunt me creeps thornlike in my side. One word of love just tell me yes just say yes to eye and that will send the sorrow south to lay dormant until left alone too many days. Please come and fill my heart and memorite.

Friday, October 17, 2008


They came over the ridge riding the horses making them nag. They was cowboy tough shooting from the hip one of them pulled the trigger on his gun while it was still in the holster and killed his gray out from under him. He was quite comical hitting the earth and trying to stay standing up leaving the saddle trying not to fly like a fly a buzzing in the air around sniffing this way and that looking for a hat overturned to lay its eggs is your hair on fire now. White squirrely things crawl in old leather hats overturned and left unattendent not meant to be taken and worn but better left there alone and lost for the flies. Eye bet the next time you get a hat from the dusty place you will wash it out first in the water tough. The second rider went down because the horse stepped in a gopher hole now ewe have heard that all your life its true this time. He fell at an awkward angle and eye did not fire. Eye did not shoot the first man either. Iether. Eyethere. The third man wore the bandoleros and carried knives and guns all over his body so he could reach them and react killing anyone who dared his face GOD that was a bad man his horse was a roan and clearly hated him he jumped against the bit frothing at the mouth red specks spewing from a hole in the cheek eye drew the carbine gun and took careful aim at him old son there is a time to fight and this Sherriff was ready for eye was a federale~. Eye fired the bullit sped to the gun barrel of the mesically it went into the barrel and broke the chamber holder snapped the hammer back and broke his thumb. Bet you Never heard that One. The fight was over except for mopping up the salon. Having coffee with Leonard was never so much fun as today. TGIF.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Siren Call
me: ye? the dragonflies me: ye are leaving me: non i can't find them today its winter it’s okay its part of life The island loomed large in the distance the reef was orange jaded coral with purple undertones the Dorsal fins of Ianthe cut this way and that she was fishtailing in a hurry to get there the winter was icy the fresh water feed was frozen over the villager was in need of fresh water it was up to her to free the ice floe unless the blockage was reduced immediately the pass would choke and freeze up now with no relief until winter was over poor lover the only man in the world was staying on the island to recover his love for a woman this mermaid heart his Ianthe. A lover in trouble he was pitching at the ice in a vain Human attempt at fury he was on all fours like a drunken dog crawling along the edge hitting the ice floe with his piton hammer. A pitiful excuse for a man he would run out of fresh water unless she came. Suddenly a voice came like a tape recorded in the early hour of the day. “Step Back Get Away Get Back” she cried in a commanding voice “when this is over you will visit me in the underwater caves there is pockets of air and fresh water there.” She Morphed into the beautiful ewe a brown eye cow. She continued on the ice as if it was dry land and then she spun on all fours like a top until she was centered in the middle of the floe and then she morphed. This time it was Tall Tree the magic Creek Indian Maiden she lifted her brazen deer horn and blew upon it with lipps meant for kissing the charlaxandroidoneseven.
This was the majic Sirens Call. The Ice floe cracked and moved away from the village entrance. The villager the android whom she loved was there he quickly gathered whits and launched himself onto the floe before it got too far away from shore and there he almost lost his footing until Tall tree limped with her left as he limped with his right they made a perfect triangle of life. She morphed back to cow at edge of floe then spinning around she said “Drown with me sailor Charles” and was no longer cow butt mermaid fins cutting into the water with the CharlaXAndroidModelSevenOne in tow He was just holding on to dorsal and trying not to breathe the water drownd for sure for certain she was leading him to air. They say there is an underwater horizon near the island with the azimuth facing the inner beach. All eye knoe for certain is the final curtain called him home she laid his body in the cavern air no longer needed to reform him suspiration Android body does not die but merely sleepeth like a Christian in religion laying in a darkened tomb. Unhurriedly she blew a short staccato blast upon the majic flute the Android sputtered and sat up and Ianthe was the Tall Tree maiden once again in love.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Medical Dictionary: There is no Vindication. 43Vindication43
He said look at my history on the computer iff you do not believe me then go ahead and look and so they impounded his computer and took it to the looking place and spent hours combing websites and said Sir it seems there is NO entry for the time that they described and when the man was breathing again then they dropped the other sandle and they smiled there was entrys of pornography between one and three pm he frowned that is different somehow that’s not what eye wanted you to do you was supposed to vindicate me the eye and make the men fall into a swoon they need to fall into the ditch and find someother universe to live into. A Bogus accusation an entry to an earlier wave of web surf is not the way of the tao but yes eye do like to look some at whatsis and similes. Eye confess it eye am guilty of the eye for platents look so nice. A lot of old men play battlefield games they twist the screen around looking for victums making sure all the armies of the emeny is dead. And then they do a little victory dance and howl like women sewing clothes when laid end to end upon a cloud they only number twelve. Eye got accused of talking to myself eye was recording in my headset a tape on the main computer lieberry they accused me of lots of other things no one can even see my screen eye have the computer in the corner they were really reaching for the sky high hope on that one sure that they aer only guessing and eye am still sitting guess where eye am sitting right where eye was at. Failed in their endeavor to demean me failed in the effort to dislodge me eye aint ashamed of that. Justified by faith in GOD the Holy Ghost and Jesus Child and love for babay lamba eye am full of vindication pizza food sandwich banana cake no pie but lots of life indeed a little victory dance is due for when they haul me off for looking at the screen they will do one too.


Needed rest in the offline landing found a way to attack self just follow scripture not needed lust is forsaken in the night no more scads of drinks no more partee plenty just rest and happiness. Eye slipped over the wall not worry about the noise now hidden from the street eyes. The light from the street filtered threw the building and time seemed to stop. The bohemianlight was nice. There was no one play in alleyway no one near my lair iff it had rained eye was dry I’m sure no way of knoeing until it happens then. Eye only unbelted my leather belt and gird was left undone so that eye rested some. Eye was not nerves but in a place with no ready exit it’s not easy to relax under a bohemianlight. Eye do never sleep most of the time is spent like SPOCK just inventory inside checking functions looking for problems my heart was once human once full of life. When it was important for me to be someone of course eye was not. The left leg is still stiff where eye put pressure on it not extending fully but the nerve is pressing on the bone and causes pins and needles. My foot is fine the stub of toe incased in steel of boot. In mye mind eye she is there holding on to me holding on to love she kisses hands. Eye heard nothing in the night no mice no birds no murdurs passing near the traffic noise was thankfull arrears in front of building and behind me no echo in the bohemianlight. My tooth has stabilized my head the pain from the first beating not so notable the tooth has balance the hurt to make it seem like head is normal. The function of the thing has not been loss a tooth though brake in half will work as good as one that’s not. The night was long and nothing arduous in the bohemianlight there was no colors no black and white nothing but the shadow gray not reflected but collected like dewfall from the light. NO added pain or sorrow just one more day of life and ending to a long and sinful life.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Eye have only been shott dead once.
Eye have only been shott dead once. Mickey Mouse is the one with the white gloves. When a man walks as if it is a woman preening looking like a primadonna reaching up behind her do and patting at the hair in place. Twinkle toe. Coke was real coke once it would eat a nail in two iff you left it over night in the summertime. Because he buttons up his coat the way he has been taught the way the father showed him how and when his mother tried to help it so confused the lad that he is worthless as a man. Ostracism rhymes with televangelism the worst example was the preacher that got all that money to stay on the air another ten days eye just wondered just now what did he do after that week. This will now be about Gene R. Cook, a Mormon of note we wonder a lot is this the one that we seek? Marriage is indeed a sacred trust and it is a lot more to it then making other creatures up. The Title should have been not seven p but seven pence a wicked fence will fall down quick for it is not maintained with love. The title up Thoughts from a segmented worm addressing the Mormon Church about marry or burn. Gesturing with the wrist extended a come hither look of parted lips with excitement looks fine upon a manikin poised to deliver oration but prose. You can not have me committed eye was free as a flounder out on bondo get out of jail free card. MY tooth is cracking and breaking eye feel like a dragon defeated in battle.